The first percentage above is based off of “at bats” and the second one (I just added) is “plate appearances”.
Robertson is almost Buddy Reed fast and can cover a lot of ground in CF. But like Buddy he is not a great hitter. Not everyone can be a Ken Griffey Junior.
Robertson is young and can still improve, but from what I've seen Reed was a much better hitter and a better CFer.
May as well make this lineup tweaks for the NCAA tourney thread, at this point 2 outfield positions and 3B are seemingly up for grabs on a daily basis and it's on Sully to push the right buttons. Obviously won't be facing SEC pitching in regionals so that has to factor in but gotta roll with the guys who are producing, no time for hurt feelings. Like Sully says with the pitching staff they ultimately decide who gets the ball based on performance not him, we may play different guys every day but have to be ready if your number is called.
Yeah, the two OF slots are really a problem at the moment. Robertson stayed in his hole, Shelnut is now really scuffling, Sheik isn't the answer....kind of surprised Prevesk hasn't gotten an opportunity. Glad BT didn't have to catch a ton this weekend
If Shelnut isn't hitting, he shouldn't be playing. He's a liability in the outfield. And I agree in not understanding why Prevesk isn't being given an opportunity.
All things being equal I typically go with the veteran upper classmen. At third that means Halter. In the OF, I would err on the side of defense initially, unless we get way behind and need offense. It's pretty deflating to give up unearned runs. Of course, the other option is to play the hitters (not even sure who that is at this point) hopefully get a lead, then bring in the best defense.