Quite the accomplishment Ron... 8th worst SAT scoring state in the country. It is a hard compare though since only about 10 states have over 80% of their students take the SAT and among them Florida is 6th out of 10. Most did not drop that much but Connecticut which is the best of the high percent test takers did drop 17 points also. Still Conn is about 40 points better than FL
This is not entirely true. There are public and private charters. Charter schools do not always operate under the same requirements that public schools do. IOW - less accountability
In 2009 she filled out paperwork to serve on the board of education in Connecticut. On it she indicated she had a bachelor's degree in education. Good qualification for the job, right? She got the gig, apparently benefiting from very little investigation. Had they done more, they would have learned her degree was in French, not education. Oops. Serious question: How many of you have forgotten what degree(s) you hold?