So the person with no real education experience is appointed to a post for apparently the sole goal of dismantling the department. What is the end game here? Move the country’s ranking further down the list of educated countries?
For those of you who aren't familiar, and perhaps even for those who are, here's a link to the scene that will forever reside in WWF lore:
Great news! Can she have The Rock come to the White House and choke slam the Orangenator, pull a reverse double McGillicutty and declare him the new President champion?
More fake-ity-fakeness. Yeah. McMahon's super qualified. It's called failing up. But then the real objective as outlined in Project 2025, is to return all education decisions to states and parents.
She’s white, has a Karen haircut, and knows how to choke slam anyone that gets out of line. If that doesn’t scream qualified to head the education department, I don’t know what does.
You're letting him off the hook. To @okeechobee, who questioned the DEI comment, I would like to hear what McMahon's quals are for the gig.
Nooooooo we’re not projecting, we’re just really good at reading right wing minds, but lately all we’re hearing is circus music.