Michael Knowles, Daily Wire: https://www.mediamatters.org/michae...ts-who-use-ivf-you-dont-get-claim-right-child
They didn’t “ban” them because the mechanism already exists, per your reference. IOW, it is de facto banned so they are attempting to save face by voting it down as stated policy. The mirror image of these issues, which have no de facto bans but are obviously in R’s crosshairs. Thus the refusal to protect them. I doubt Trump “wants” to ban IVF. He has no meaningful conviction about anything. But he’d also do it in a minute. He couldn’t care less. Laws don’t apply to him anyway. He’ll likely settle on the “states rights” fallacy. These things are too important for Big Government to settle. Unless of course it’s that subset of Big Government, States. Let individuals choose. About 50 individuals, that is. Not actual individuals. It is unacceptable for a few hundred elected people to decide for millions. It has to be dozens.
I was referring to female preachers in the post you are quoting, not the IVF issue. Sorry for the confusion
Fox must not think the recent moves on IVF will be very popular. But it's been apparently giving very little coverage to recent Republican efforts to restrict reproduction choices. https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-ne...nators-voted-against-ivf-week-fox-buried-news
IVF is abortion on steroids. It is eugenics. You basically conceive several new human beings, and then pick one of them and the others die. Surrogacy is also a disaster. I read a story where a male pedophile paid to have a surrogate mother give him a child he was going to use with pedophile friends to pleasure himself with. Thankfully the FBI arrested him before the transaction happened, but it is kind of scary to think some child could be born into the world with that kind of "father." I read another story where a surrogate mother used IVF to conceive a child for a client. Multiple babies were implanted, and the mother wanted to keep the other babies rather than kill them and a California court ruled that it was not her body her choice. She had to kill the other babies implanted in her womb because that is what the client wanted.
risky. He might alienate all the southern Baptists who are otherwise going to vote for a rapist felon.
This seems to be the new method of operation for them. Just publicly adopt the opposite side of the issue you know will be surreptitiously implemented through some type of agency action. And then of course do everything you can to reduce democratic accountability after the outrage. But either way, no matter how unpopular an issue is, if it's supported by the theocratic Right, all Republicans dare not oppos it
At least you are honest about the motivations involved here. If a white suburban woman wants something bad enough, then eugenics is justified. The mentality where I get to kill to have what I want is textbook narcissism.
So, those who are pro-eugenics are pro-life, and those who are not pro-eugenics do not believe life is precious? I don't know what world that is true in, but if you say so...
Ehhh. That’s just human nature. Humans have been killing to get what they want since the dawn of time. And that’s actually killing living breathing human beings who feel pain and have loved ones as opposed to just, you know, throwing a test tube in the trash. I know you don’t make a distinction between the two but most reasonable people do. I don’t have the statistics to support my hypothesis but I’d wager IVF is no more common among liberal couples than it is conservative couples. So please proceed with your lunacy - it’s a losing tactic at the ballot box. and lol at you tossing out narcissism into this discussion. You think you’re the special pet project of an omniscient all powerful god (WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE YOU!) with whom you have a personal relationship and you’re going to live forever with him in the clouds after you die. I literally can’t think of anything MORE narcissistic than that. Seriously lol’d at you calling other narcissistic. Thanks for the laugh.
You are the one efforting to conflate those things. IVF is almost exclusively for people desperately wanting to be parents.
IVF certainly is a way people can have babies, but when you conceive so many babies at once, get several implantations and then kill all of them but one that is murder. Now, I don't think there is a lot of awareness about what IVF actually entails. So, I am not calling every person who has ever done it a murderer, but once you have knowledge ignorance is no longer a defense.
It might be a losing proposition at the ballot box, but I don't form moral convictions based on consensus. That is humanism, which is a form of idolatry. Humanity is not the moral law giver. God is the moral law giver. If neither conservative politicians nor liberal politicians will take a stand on eugenics, then it is very possible that neither of them would get my vote.
Well, thankfully you're going to find out how our system works in November when Florida voters, and voters in many other states, get the opportunity to afford real protection for women's rights to make their own reproductive decisions.
Your alternate universe is a most curious place. I don't want to live there, I don't even want to visit, but it is curious.