Those are some legendary Gators! Nattiel, Mills, Simmons, and the Jacksons were a big part of those early 90's teams. And who can forget Ike, Reidel, and Doering? Some amazing players and memories!
Some quality pieces added last couple of days. This would be another. Defenders have to like what they’ve seen from the defense lately.
We've played every true freshman and pwo in the secondary this year in crunch time. We should have something to sell.
That's how a staff that works recruiting with developing relationships helps: having good relationships with about 5 of the top 10 safeties is a good thing.
My bad. I got Hayward and Stubbs mixed up. It was Hayward who got the checkmate vs shades. Gotta catch uo.
Now I’m confused I saw several experts predicting Stubbs to UF flipping from Miami. Now I’m seeing Hayward flipping from UT. Both? only one? First come first served?
I think Thornton and Gates should be starters next year, but beyond that we have inexperience and the reliably undependable.