Because Congress has a spending (on the wrong things) problem. Reagan's spending created millions of jobs that in turn created more revenue, that the Congress quickly spent on their pet projects. Supply and demand...
You just choose to believe that. I’ve given you direct evidence to the contrary. Sure, if you cut taxes, and you increase spending, in the short term you will get an economic bump. Increased Deficit spending, all else equal, will increase the economy for a while. Deficit spending does increase economic activity, which does increase tax revenue, but the amount of additional revenue is much lower than the actual spending or tax cuts. If tax cuts always paid for themselves, then we could cut taxes to zero and taxes collected would go to infinity and everything would be magically solved. Edit: also a big driver of Reagan economic activity was the fed rapidly lowering interest rates after it had jacked them up to 20% to fight inflation.
Koch always try to reputation rinse claiming he’s sitting out the cycle because the Right has become too extreme. Never true. Just hides it via new vehicle
I agree, but in reality it’s the MAGA’s who are the RINO’s. These are the 30% who infected the Tea Party, took them over, and turned what was once a single-issue anti-tax movement into a pro-authoritarian party. True conservative republicans like Reagan, William F. Buckley, George Will, and others would/have cringed at the direction this infestation of the Republican Party has taken. A great book that shows the history of the perversion and deterioration of the Republican Party, true conservative values starting with Newt Gingrich, is "The Destructionists“ by Dana Milbank.