Less than 30% of the electorate identifies as Republican and if Trump is to win the general election he will need the support of independents. No matter how you try to spin it the results of the poll are not good news for Trump although I would agree that as far the Republican nomination is concerned they're not good news for Haley either. From a December Gallup Poll: Somewhat ironic that you, following the example of your Dear Leader, refer to Haley as "Birdbrain" considering that Trump has repeatedly demonstrated that he is cognitively impaired most recently in his campaign speech in which he confused Haley with Pelosi and although possibly intentionally Trump claimed to have carried New Hampshire in the general election in both 2016 and 2020 when he lost the state both times.
Trump is now saying anyone who contributes to Haley going forward is excommunicated from his GOP. Yet there are still morons out there saying he wouldn't be a dictator.
Stop digging. I didn’t call you out for your consistent hatred of Trump. Lord knows that we all knew that. I called you out for your ridiculous claim that if he had conceded then you wouldn’t be obsessed. I’m sure that I won’t be hanging around in this board too much longer for various reasons; but I’m pretty sure that there will still be considerable ranting about Trump here for years after the man is six feet under. You all were obsessed then, you are obsessed now, you will be obsessed in the near and distant future. No need for a long rant from you in reply.
If you've noted the first day objectives President Trump has upon inauguration, you will note they are all strong conservative policies. In terms of policy, I don't see how you could ask for much more. The shear amount of BS he will clear out within his first week in office would likely be more than Haley or even DeSantis would have. That's why people such as myself are still going to vote for him, because the alternative is to let our country go to shit with ineffective and negligent policy.
I have a serious question for you. What do you get from the consistent criticism of Trump? I ask that question because for a long time I was extremely critical of politicians with whom I disagreed and I guess I didn’t like - Biden, Obama, Clinton, etc. Some of the things I wrote were really bad. While I still don’t agree with their political philosophy, I realize my extreme and ongoing criticism accomplishes nothing. I may still from time to time, lose what little “mind” I still retain, post a harsh criticism of a politician…. but I soon realize it’s a waste of time as such criticism is not going to change anyone’s support for that individual. Similarly, I can refer to a Trump supporter as a moronic MAGA-ite or a Biden supporter as an egg-sucking leftist ….. but it won’t accomplish anything as regards changing that person’s political leaning or policy position.
Curious who would work for Donald. He’s fired most everyone. Anyone with half a brain wouldn’t touch that dude.
I convinced myself that Haley — the only adult in the room — would carry the rationale vote over time. But she was betrayed by her party, and now we are left with the worst of all worlds, a decision of incompetence or unqualified (pick your choice). I will vote for Biden because I could never in good conscience pull the lever for Trump. But what a shitty position we are all in.
If he had just conceded, I guarantee you that, at least for me personally, I wouldn’t find him unqualified for the job. His egocentric, unprecedented, unforgivable and deliberate effort to wage war in our system of government, through lie after lie after lie after lie, demonstrated that he has no capacity to govern for the people. He cares only for himself, and cares nothing of the wake of destruction he caused to protect his megalomaniacal self-worth.
Everyone that has worked for him leaves saying the same thing - he is unqualified for office. But his followers refuse to believe any criticism. It is the most bizarre, amazing and inexplicable reaction to a politician that I have ever seen in my lifetime.
Please don’t kid yourselves. This is still DC we’re talking about. If they can’t write a tell all book that will sell, their sorry asses will be back looking for a cabinet or a csar, or “special envoy” position. If Trump does win it will be fun to watch Christie’s fat ass wobble back in looking for work. They’re politicians. They say what they need to say in the moment, and the next moment act like they never said or did it. It’s disgusting. Look how many Clinton folks were still hanging around 8 years later to suck up to Obama. Same with Bush people and Trump.
What you consider "obsession" and I would define as "concern". I readily concede that back in 2016 I was concerned that a presidential candidate who had never held elective office and had no experience in government was holding himself out as a business genius despite managing six organizations into bankruptcy including his one publicly held company, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts whose stock price plummeted from over $35 a share down to a dollar a share while he paid himself over $40 million in total compensation and in an industry in which all of his competitors did very well. I also quoted a Charles Krauthammer a column in which Krauthammer a well-respected conservative commentator and board certified psychiatrist expressed the opinion that Trump was mentally unfit for the presidency and although it was public knowledge I pointed out Trump's scam with his phony "university" which ended up with the Donald settling multiple state civil lawsuits for fraud as well as his business practice of stiffing contractors by refusing to pay debts and coercing them into settling for pennies on the dollar. After Trump took office I noted that he fired James Comey because Comey refused to pledge loyalty to the Dear Leader as well as his cruel policy of separating immigrant children from their parents as a deterrent to other potential illegal immigrants. And once again if Trump had conceded following his defeat in the 2020 election, he wouldn't be faced with either the Georgia RICO prosecution or the DC prosecution related to the failed coup attempt of January 6th and if he had simply returned the documents that he improperly took when he left the White House and didn't lie about their disposition he would have never been indicted in Florida. Amazing that although Trump is facing multiple criminal cases for acts largely of his own doing his sheeplike sycophants are blaming it on weaponization of the DOJ.
Generals and Chiefs of Staff are not your typical politicians, and they weren’t looking for handouts.
Maybe not. But for the handful up there that are not looking, there are hundreds who are. FWIW, many retired generals and admirals are somewhat to very, very difficult to work with or manage. There are, of course exceptions, and their contacts are often invaluable, but generally difficult. Have had much better personal experiences with retired colonels and captains. They have most often risen higher in the corporate world and have better results managing civilians staffs. Beyond my pay grade to speculate as to why.
I’m not disagreeing with you, but doesn’t it disturb you at all that virtually every person that worked closely with Trump during his Presidency left being highly critical of Trump’s competence? Forget the media, these are people whom he hired and who worked closely with him. Daily. I cannot remember a more criticized President BY HIS OWN APPOINTED PEOPLE than Trump. Can you?
Taking pettiness to a new level Trump warns Haley donors will be ‘permanently barred from the MAGA camp’ | The Hill
Yes, it is telling. But there is also a TON of money to be made by Trump bashing so I do take much of it with a grain of salt. After all, we are talking DC here. I’m not a big Trump fan. I liked many of his policies with the exception of China tariffs and for not firing Fauci after his first public comment on Covid. He would have done the country a huge favor by terminating that little turd early on. I don’t like the choices, but if I have to choose between Trump’s personal shortcomings and Biden’s policies then yes he will get my vote again.
That's a dumb strategy and a dumb thing to say. And there is a 0% chance Trump turns down donations from Haley supporters in the future. Less than 0%. And anyone who can support someone who thinks "birdbrain" is a clever insult is special. That was a good insult in 2nd grade.