My opinion is that a President can only be removed from office by impeachment, but he can be charged and convicted of a crime while President.
You have to love the epic hypocrisy of Kamala Harris, who went great lengths to get David Daleiden, abortion Youtube video maker, in legal trouble. Now she has produced "heavily edited" videos against Kavanaugh. Kamala Harris' edited Kavanaugh video, 'made-for-TV' questions draw scrutiny HYPOCRISY RULES!!!!!
As a semi-interesting aside, Kamala is Finnish for "horrible".
You sure her parents weren't Finnish thrash metal fans? Kamala (band) - Wikipedia Just having some fun with it.
Now it's an old High School "Me Too" gal that has come forward. It must a distant relative of Anita Hill?
I'd be interested to know what the letter says, because someone may have really mucked up their smear efforts. He went to an all male Jesuit prep school in Maryland for high school. But in terms of the Senate process, I'd ignore it. Feinstein has had the letter for months and didn't think it merited mentioning until now, and the totality of it is apparently "someone, I can't tell you who, told a Representative something, I can't tell you what, months ago and does not want to pursue it further."
Sen. Dianne Feinstein refers letter about Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh to federal authorities The incident involved possible sexual misconduct between Kavanaugh and a woman who was also in high school at the time, two officials familiar with the matter told The New York Times. It doesn't say that they were at the same high school.
I think KDS has surpassed TDS for the vast majority of those wallowing in the morass of American liberalism.
Interesting that it was released only after the hearings were over and just as some polling firms have suggested the Senate may be up for grabs. What is a great way to delay the vote on a SCOTUS nominee? Maybe an FBI investigation of him? Looks like this one flopped as the FBI has said they aren’t investing and are just including the letter into Kavanaugh’s background file. Would not be surprised to see the woman behind this letter step forward at some point. The way the Left has embraced this confirmation as a life or death struggle, I wouldn’t be shocked for them to try and turn a high school encounter into an accusation in order to stop this appointment.