Get over it you liberals tried but you lost he will be confirmed and it will then be in the hands of the American people come ballot day if it was the right or wrong thing
Wow. He wasn't even straight up about his judicial record: Brett Kavanaugh Also Lied About His Rulings on the Environment
It's hard to believe so many people DID turn this country over to a crooked real estate developer and alleged tax thief.
Because it is now up to the JC to make their determination of Kavanaugh based off his hearing. If Senators wanted to ask him about something, they had time to do it then. There are no eye witness left who can confirm anything new. All the eye witness were identified and talked to. The FBI shouldn't be running around talking to be people who heard it from a friend of a friend.
That is the scariest concept ever for a liberal. Letting the people decide. Centralizing power and unfettered control over the process is what they seek, the people can be damned. We saw what happened in ‘16 when a SCOTUS seat was on the line. Trump outperformed polls by +6, +7 and even more in the crucial battleground states.
Let me know as well, I would want to help out based on the polls in ND and TN. It takes a lot of chutzpah to declare that the Republicans are doing something unseemly after the way DiFi turned this entire confirmation hearing into a national disgrace.
It's almost like the "conservative" justices (emphasis on the air quotes) simply want less power in the courts and more power in the legislatures in the interest of Democracy. Supreme Court Justices aren't elected officials, they shouldn't legislate as though they were... as they did in Roe v. Wade. I don't understand why Democrats find that so threatening... Republicans should be more threatened by the Ginsburgs and Sotomayors of the world who are more likely to legislate from the bench...
Boy if Democrats are going bananas now wait till Trump gets to replace Ginsburg with a conservative Then the fun will really begin
Why allow Garland to be the swing vote when the Biden Rule was in effect? And Garland was Souter Version 2.0. He would have ended up just to the left of RGB.
Do you actually believe that or do you just want to believe that? Because he didn't outperform the polls by +6 or +7. He outperformed the polls by +1.2%. RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein There was exactly one state with a gap like you are describing: Wisconsin. Michigan is 2nd at about 3.7%. He actually underperformed his polls in certain states like Nevada and Arizona.
Have we reached agreement that "The Devil's Triangle" was actually the name of a drinking game for Kavanaugh's high school circle?
I agree... but we should also agree that McConnell's handling of that was in incredibly bad faith... And it was bad for the country... It's not like Garland wasn't qualified... It was more about spiting Obama and the Democrats than about Garland... which is really petty, if you ask me...