When I was in Gainesville, I think all I did was put my hands on women. (Only if invited) If I'm not mistaken, that was the whole purpose of college. Lord knows I never learned anything! HA! I'm sorry, I couldn't resist! Violence, generally speaking, particularly against females', is deplorable and says there are some serious issues going on deep inside. Self loathing. Or, the world sucks therefore it's your fault. While you hate to hear this stuff, when it's a former Gator, it's sad and hurts even more. Go Gators.
Next official meeting will be at the corner booth at the Gainesville Denny’s at 7 am. Be there or be square.
I knew all the weed charges is why i said hes an idiot. Its really hard to get kicked out of the nfl for. Sexual assault got past me. Hard to believe there wasnt more made of it.