Also, at the time of posting I didn't realize this story was a week old. I first read about it over the weekend and the story I read over the weekend said he was still alive. When I saw that he had died I thought he just passed away today. I still don't think CNN or any of the major news networks seem to think the story is important enough to broadcast.
You are taking a subject that has uncomfortable optics from certain point of views and trying to turn it on its head by baiting those who brought the subject up into saying something that you can announce as racist, thus distracting from the actual thread topic.
How can I label anything about your OP? You simply linked a story without commenting on it at all. Again, I’ll ask you straight out… what is it about the story you find compelling to discuss? By the way I posted a pic of your OP which is why you see you signature in it. It wasn’t a point I was making.
Which is what topic? I still am not sure what it is we are discussing. I’m guessing not bullying in school? What’s the topic?
The horrifying nature of the crime? Bullying? The potential that it gets less attention in terms of media attention or lack of charges, due to racial role reversal? (Which may or may not be true, I don’t know enough about it) Any of those could be valid points of discussion. You don’t have to have a singular point. Again, why is this thread possibly the first thread I’ve ever seen questioned about its intent?
So you don’t know either. Ok then, why is it a ridiculous question to ask the OP what he intended to discuss? It is a simple question that was posted straight forward:
There was a story a few weeks ago where some teens put muriatic acid on a slide for little kids, two of the kids got severe burns
He's not worth responding to any ways. He's your typical far left Libbie always trying to make everything about race. I read this article a few days ago and didn't post it because I knew a few of our far left libbies would try to make about race.
If this rose to the level of a felony, could everyone who laid a finger on the kid be charged with murder?
Not going to read the story to prevent feeling anger, but we’d all have more peace of mind if we didn’t create hypothetical comparisons to further outrage us..
It most definitely can. I have pleaded cases out at arraignment with zero discovery to prevent the State from upping the charges. Never a murder charge, but I've prevented several misdemeanor DUIs and petit thefts from being felonized by doing that before the State had all of the clients' prior records, for example. Nevada's speedy trial time period is an extremely short 60 days, but it's not an automatic discharge if exceeded as it is in some other states.
"No you have not heard of him because no gun was involved and he was white...." That's a provocative, one might say racist, introductory statement.
Yes? I don't know anything about the why or motivations here, but if there wasn't intent to kill and it there were no deadly weapons involved, things like this usually get manslaughter not murder. I would be very surprised if 15 people get charged with murder for the same killing.
It doesn’t make it not potentially true. While I can’t predict what happens in a parallel universe it really seems likely this would have been a story if 15 whites killed a black kid - as it should be.
As usual, certain people seem more mad about the counterfactual "what if" than the actual story, because everyone knows the people that did will get the full force of the law as people of color who commit crimes always do when caught. Maybe the counterfactual would be a "bigger story" if only because the possibility that it seems more likely the reverse scenario would play out differently in the justice system, and that element of uncertainty would be litigated until the trial concludes. Of course, since its hypothetical anyone can believe anything they want. This country has a sterling record of prosecuting and dealing with black people who gang up on whites (and living in fear of such things), not so much the other way around, historically speaking.
So you argument is that since the white kid murdered will likely get Justice it is then not newsworthy?
I think the question you should ask yourself is why is this *most* newsworthy to the people that clearly harbor preexisting racial grievances and keep racial scorecards. I'm not sure savage brutality is newsworthy for any good or legitimate reason, its prurience of a sort, designed to elicit emotional responses, which is good for business.