Dang. Ok, well I bet he would have at least led the program in jump shots, where the apex of the jump was less than 2” off the ground!
I may have questioned top-5 when first asked. WC jr. is now pretty much cemented as an all-time great. Good for Walter Clayton! Thank you young man!
Nick might be the most undeservedly maligned Gator ever. He was fantastic to the point of being so good that the Gator players would stop and watch. (OK a bit of a joke there.)
Yeah , I’ll duck after posting this , but I don’t understand it when Jason Williams is mentioned by Gator fans in the context of all time UF greats. Wildly talented? Of course, but he was here for a cup of coffee, left early, (before that was expected of great players) and aside from some great individual highlights, left UF hoops the same as he found it. If we’re taking about Gator greats- Don’t think it’s right to see his name mentioned with , and often above, Wilbekin, TG, Dan Cross, Erv, J Ham, and now Clayton JMO
Also, don’t forget … Walt definitely had the hardest path (competition) of the others he is being compared to. I don’t know about #1 …but certainly top 3.
Amazing we don't talk much about him but him leaving was the single greatest worry I had about this year's team. Clayton hitting the ground running at PG with the offense actually improving points to his all time greatness.
We already have Neal Walk's number 41 retired except for that one game with a Norm Sloan football player playing. Why we don't have a 41 jersey hanging up with his name is a mystery to me. Walter Clayton, Jr is in the discussion for a second retired number. So is Al Horford for a third.
Depends how you mean? I mean Udon is the greatest Gator from the NBA. Probably won’t be beat in our lifetime from that goal. Other I could name. But from a Gator basketball standpoint point on fun to watch in college and dominate in his senior year, it’s hard to say. Definitely top 5 for me. Gotta love the comeback of the 04’s and they were fun to watch. Gotta give respect to Miller and company. It’s hard to say because of the moment. 100% top 10 and could crack my top 5. I abstain from voting due to the moment. also I don’t see enough love for Udon. He was the first time the Gators got 4 years of a player/team being invited to the NCAA tourney all of his years with us. Who knows if we don’t get Williams without him, and who knows if we get the 04s without Williams and him. He was inducted to the Gator Hall of Fame. Countless awards in the NBA. Even post career he’s an executive for the Heat. Without a doubt one of if not the most storied Gator player. From a production output probably #1.
The Haslam, Donovan and Miller sit-down discussion recently was fascinating, to get players and coaches PsOV as well as the evident respect and affection they share amongst themselves. Udonis was not a “personality” that invited you to keep him in your mind as much as other sports figures. He’s taciturn and seems uninviting and disinterested in being invited. But his accomplishments, and his whole life story, are noteworthy and admirable.
So true which is why I asked how do you mean because on a success level, he’s unmatched but he’s no Clayton to watch. Where did you see that sit down? Would love to watch it.
Does anyone remember Clayton talk about a book he read, I think it was the interview right after the Alabama game at sec tourney. He was on set with Coach Golden, and referenced it. Maybe a David Goggins book?