“It’s an invasion of Juno Beach and Joe Biden is doing nothing to stop them” Derp. also: “all Juno Beach invaders were stopped” EDIT: guess the OP changed up the original tweet he used.
Who gets the boat? Seems like an expensive transport plan if it is impounded by the Feds. Boat cost / 14 X Migrant wages… seems like a negative net present value.
Where did the boat come from? Seems like a pretty nice boat. The Migrants were apparently Cubans. If the captain was an American or a Cuban with status, he just screwed himself.
Just to note that the incident occurred on August 25, 2023, well over a month ago and once again I recall that when incidents of that nature occurred during the period from the early '60s through mid-'90s involving Cuban migrants, the migrants were welcomed as refugees and were entitled to asylum by definition.
Wet foot, dry foot policy for Cubans was ended in 2017 by Trump. Biden as of 2023 gives Cuban immigrants an option to stay for 2 years - but unfortunately that probably doesn’t apply with what happened here - which would have been under the pre-2017 policy. How does a person from Cuba get here “legally” - even if they qualify by having a family member in the United States? Not exactly clear on that. But I assume they’d have to take a convoluted travel route and hope the Cuban regime didn’t find out their plans.
The reporter said that the "US border patrol said" all were Haitian and one Bahamian (13 Haitian, 1 Bahamian). ...and the boat captain faces "2 counts of aggravated battery on an officer." Any other shit you want to talk about Cubans?
What “shit” was I taking about Cubans? I read an article that stated these were Cuban migrants. Under pre-2017 policy they would be “legal” the moment they hit the beach. Those would be facts. If they are not Cubans, that would be an incorrect fact from whatever article stated that as their origin country. Not sure how that’s “taking trash” about anyone. Regardless of where they fled from, the fact that they rammed a boat and fled from authorities means they are in trouble. Although i’d guess probably only the captain would be held criminally liable for those actions, the rest will be processed by immigration (civil proceeding).
I like the part of the report where they say "you can see DOZENS of migrants running ashore" as about 10 people leave the boat.
I guess some Cubans came ashore in Juno Beach in 2022. This 2023 incident involved Haitians and the captain was Bahamian. My mistake on that. For some reason the article I chose to read on this interviewed a Cuban migrant, which was the source of my confusion. It was referencing previous migrant (attempted) landings rather than just sticking to this latest one (which was actually several months ago, not exactly fresh news, though admittedly i hadn’t heard of it…). https://www.wptv.com/news/region-n-...mplifies-danger-facing-migrants-agents-at-sea