Biden is objectively way too old to be President. I wouldn't want to work for a company where the CEO is 80+ years old either. I won't consider voting for anyone who denies election results or coddles people who believe the election was stolen. If someone can't stand there and say that the last election was fair, Biden won, anyone who tried to prevent the transition of power was wrong, and Jan 6th criminals deserve their sentences then they don't have the backbone to be President.
He will most likely run as a third-party candidate and Perot the vote in Biden’s favor. But that is the risk that the Republicans should be willing to take for the long-term health of the country. Trump is a poison that might remain long in the party’s system even after his death. Best to start the purge immediately.
I’m curious how, after our 20 years of involvement in Afghanistan, you blame Biden for getting us out, and what you mean by “ringing the dinner bell”.
You really think they are crazier than Trump? That honestly stumps me as he’s truly crazy, i.e., mentally ill.
Maybe, but I don’t consider as being divisive one whose policies I might disagree with. Trump was/is divisive, and I’ve said many times I didn’t disagree with everyone of his policy initiatives.
Oh, come on. Politics is divisive. It’s why the other party is still screeching about selfie taking eccentrics trying to overthrow the US government.
Good point. I think I use divisive in the way that Trickster is employing it here. Perhaps we should be using a different term, like demonizer. Trump is a demonizer, and Haley doesn’t seem so much one. (Though I honestly haven’t paid too much attention)
I’d take her right now in a heartbeat if it guaranteed no Trump. but 0.00% chance the party of old white men ever nominates a female to lead them. To think it’s possible means you aren’t paying attention.
Buffalo horn wearing crazies taking selfies with Capitol guards and then returning to their homes the darkest day in history. Personally, I’m inclined to participate in a voting scheme comprised on way too many millions of overwrought participants.
I don’t feel qualified to judge relative insidiousness, and nor am I familiar with Haley’s actual comments denying racism, so I may agree with you on this specific point. However, I know of examples of seemingly honest people being labeled as racism deniers for the nature of their ideas. E.g. economist Roland Fryer has found that racial discrimination explains a relatively small portion of the disparity of outcomes among races in the US (15% maybe?), and geneticist David Reich has argued that different human populations have likely evolved different mental phenotypes over the last 50-100k years. To my lights, neither of them have denied racism, but they’ve been treated as if they have by a subset of the population. These two might be wrong, but maybe not. As a result of this fallibility, it’s imperative that such opposing viewpoints are disputed, not demonized. Let alone demonizing actual people, which every kindergartener knows is wrong. Certainly, many ideas on both sides are going to be unpalatable to the other side, but palatability is not necessarily a good measure of the validity of the ideas.
Hey, it’s your vote so do what you want with it. Im perplexed at anyone who looks at the GOP list of priorities and can find a way to vote for anyone, even a Tim Tebow, leading it. But if fighting the woke, battling trans, cutting taxes for the rich and corporations, opposing any common sense legislation on the environment or guns, demonizing problems vs solving them, tacitly tolerating racism in the base, and generally supporting their leaders regardless of their transgressions is appealing to you… then vote away.
I think they’d be thrilled with a Republican, and the right wing talking heads would have little to bitch about. I think the temperature of the country would drop significantly, almost getting close to normal.
This thread is a reminder we are still in the 'bargaining' phase of Election 2024. Next comes acceptance that we are just going to run back 2020.