Latest update will show a shift south looks like it’s heading out in southern most Volusia county or northern Brevard.
A reminder for those in the impact areas .... more people get injured during the cleanup than during the storm; Exposed electric lines, broken glass, hidden nails, toxic debris, falling trees/limbs, improper use of power tools, esp chain saws and driving around with no street lights/stop signs are a few that come to mind. Also snakes and a few other undesirables tend to appear along with the usual undesirable human scammers. L/T - mold remediation ASAP for water damaged areas.
Well Biden’s excessive spending had them burying my power lines earlier this summer. I am in a cool dry house sitting in DeLand. Don’t think I will be going anywhere when the sun comes up.
A shell of what it once was. Let me tell your first hand, this thing was a monster. Will go down as one of worst for sure.
Still have power in our neighborhood just north of Dunnellon. Lot of debris strewn about, mostly tree branches. We may have dodged the bullet here. But my heart goes out to those people just south of us who are dealing with a lot of misery.
Lost power in downtown Orlando at midnight. First time I’ve experienced that in decades of living here. Sucks. could be worse though. My sister n law in Ft Myers lost her house on a canal. Five feet of water