The one issue about coed sports I will not back down on is guys who deliberately went to right field in slow pitch softball. That should be part of a special session of the legislature. There is no sentence long enough
I keep having the pool volleyball scene from Meet The Parents playing in my head here! Girls/women are tough, but no guy wants to be the dude that hurts one. When I was in TaeKwonDo, I did not hit the women like I hit the men, even though it was only medium contact anyway. I would barely touch them. I wondered whether they appreciated that or thought I wasn't giving them enough credit. On the other hand, when I played tennis, holding back wouldn't have occurred to me since it's not a contact sport. In my mind, volleyball is closer to tennis than to fighting, which is why I think the safety aspect of this thread is kinda of interesting.
Good grief, no one said a woman spiking a volleyball couldn't hurt someone. Of course they can I was hit by many volleyballs at my daughter's practices over the years and I can assure you, it sometimes hurts. But that's a crass oversimplification of the issue here. By your logic, is that justification enough to let women play with men across the board? Because women can hurt people too? Do we really need empirical scientific data to prove as a general rule men are stronger than woman on an athletic field, or a boxing ring, or a track? There's a reason a VERY small few play placekicker but have you seen a single one play OL or DB in HS or beyond? Why do you think that is? Maybe in a very small HS in a very rural area, they might play on the golf team together so that a team can even be fielded in the first place, but that's about it. Do you really need a NASA study to tell us why?
Asking why we have women's sports is a loaded question? I suspect if you answer it the answer pretty much blows up your position. So I guess it is loaded in that sense.
Volleyball is a sport that if you play it the way you are supposed to then playing it socially is not much fun at all. I suppose that is true to a degree in any sport but probably worse in VB as almost every contact is illegal.
You made this about risk, I simply asked what was the basis for an elevated level of risk to be concerned about? We dont need NASA to study it, but if your position is that it shouldnt be allowed at all, then maybe you need something other than assumptions or stereotypes.
Well now you are omitting the part where you were calling people "biological males." We have girls sports so people who identify as girls can play sports. Its really that simple, if you dont like the answer I'm not sure what else there is to say.
No it isn’t. That’s a chicken shit answer. Then why don’t we have black sports for those who identify as black?
SO are you saying we have women's sports because we are segregationists? Was that the answer you were looking for?
I never said it shouldn't be allowed at all. I said 1) the football kicker knew going in she was going to be playing against boys, as did the mixed doubles tennis player, and 2) we don't need a NASA study to prove that boys are generally stronger than girls on the athletic field. Maybe you feel differently, in which case you'd be 100% incorrect. There's no evidence the volleyball player did or didn't know she'd be playing a genetic male on a woman's team i.e., it may not be a risk she ever signed up for until she showed up to the gym the day that she was injured. That was my point about risk. An underlying issue is that even if she knew and didn't want to accept the risk, she'd then be labeled anti-trans. It's really no different than choosing to either 1) swim against Lia Thomas, or 2) drop out and not compete for something you've trained your whole life for, except Lia Thomas wasn't going to hurt someone doing the backstroke.
I'm simply asking why its a greater risk than what you already sign up for playing volleyball. Quantify it in a way that isnt "well dudes are just stronger duh." Do women have to sign a special waver if you play coed volleyball recreational because of the extra risk?
This is getting silly with your runaround scenarios. See my comment above about mixed doubles tennis and you'll have the answer. Otherwise, I'm out.
We have womens sports because women are physically / biologically different, and we want them to have equal opportunities in spite of those differences.
Lol, and you claimed magnetofsnatch was a juvenile. When you’re beat, take the loss and tip your hat. Otherwise, well we’re all laughing at you running in circles.