I wouldn’t let Biden, AOC, Trump, Mitch, Pelosi in the same building with my kids. What exactly is your point?
And you wouldn't vote for them either. Yet you're okay with Walker. You just proved my point exactly.
I don’t think so. Dude I voted for crazy ass Trump not because I thought he was an ethical guy. I’d vote for Hershel because I don’t want the libbie agenda anywhere near my family. See how this works.
Yeah, you're willing to vote for an abject moron to make policy decisions over an entire state because he has an R by his name. That was exactly my point. We're in agreement.
Finally. Well stop the whole walker is a good father, politician, honest person bit. Just admit he’s a nitwit but it’s blind fealty to party because of culture wars promoted by maga politicians.
Yes, I like to think I’m a pretty honest guy. I would bet you have voted for libbies who don’t exactly hit on all cylinders.
Fair enough. I’m prob just right of center, which is a large group in US. I’ve voted for repubs and dems (ie McCain). But, imo, I’ve seen nothing worse for our system of gov than maga politicians.
Dang, that’s interesting that you identify as a slightly right of center guy. I believe I had you blocked a couple of years ago or so because I thought Obama had corrupted your mind. Lol. Glad I brought you back.
I dunno. But you don't see me on Old Dominions football board talking Monarch football. Because I don't consider it serious.
watching walker I do that thing of cringing for someone, embarrassed for their response and even feel sorry for them. But warnock is getting $7k/mnth from his church for housing allowance?!?
I ran the finances for a 500+ person church up until 5 years ago. Pastor was paid $85k and had other streams of income. He drove a crappy car and lived in a meager house but pulled down over 6 figures. He hustled for his money as he was always on call, always on the job, and had a lot of people looking to him for help/leadership. Seemed well earned.
Not really. Certainly not to the degree of Word Salad Walker, who needs a scorecard to keep track of his aborted children, and the merely abandoned ones. Don't try to normalize Walker's behavior and resume, like he's on a par with other politicians. He is not. He's in rarefied country where Trump is the standard.
Well apparently he’s committed once he’s in. We can’t say he will pull out and waffle on a deal can we? I think that’s what people are seeing. He’s not the first playah to be in Govt. The Kennedy’s did ok for a little while. (Extreme sarcasm)