South Dakota meat processing plants use nearly 60% immigrant labor. FWIW. U.S. meatpacking industry relies on immigrant workers. But a labor shortage looms.
Good. So then those immigrants will be seeking asylum in Mexico right? A country physically closer (since you know, they have to literally go through all of Mexico to get to the U.S.) and culturally closer (same language if coming from a Spanish language country and a cultural that will be much easier for them to assimilate to) to their home countries than the U.S. So why are they bypassing Mexico then?
I wouldn't have supported DeSantis over Trump even if he had gotten to the Florida Primary, but I will always be thankful he by and large kept the state open during Covid. Heck I stayed at beach side hotels and walked along the beach in Ormond Beach and Cocoa Beach in late March and mid April 2020 respectively. While Californians still effectively couldn't leave their homes in June 2020 I was already eating out at various restaurants that had reopened without a mask. Considering how much we didn't know I would not say DeSantis was a ten o'clock scholar by any means. Florida by and large opened up before almost any other state in the U.S. outside of other deep south states (Specifically Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia). Heck May 2020 I took a trip up to the mountains of North Carolina and stopped in Savannah and Hilton Head. Had a nice meal and good ice cream in Savannah and was actually swimming in a hotel pool with other people and having drinks at a bar in Hilton Head. North Caroline was more restrictive which made me appreciate how much Florida was by and large open.
Mexico took in over 125,000 asylum seekers last year. They are helping. As to why some bypass Mexico? Likely they have family here already and/or jobs lined up too. Also plenty of native Spanish speakers in the US, and a big Hispanic influence. I know families who can trace where they have been living well back into the early 1800s, when the land they are on was part of Mexico. They life to say their family didn't immigrate to the US. The US came to them!
Some of the trips yes, some of the trips I was traveling with a friend. The hiking trip in North Carolina I was alone yes. Not sure why that really matters.
That's cute of Mexico. We had 225,000 asylum seekers in December alone. Hardly a good comparison. And why did their family come here? Why didn't their family go to Mexico? You can't deny it's an easier transition for most immigrants to Mexico than it is the U.S. Sure there are Hispanic enclaves in the U.S. but then you can't leave the enclave very much if at all. In Mexico literally the whole country speaks your language, you can go anywhere. And if those immigrants families have deep roots in the U.S. then why are they having to try to immigrate back here and claim asylum anyway?
We did a five day trip through there a couple years ago. It was very cool. We did get a pike. Four of us, sharing nuggets from one pike.
My friend's family settled in Tucson in the early 1800s. When it was part of Mexico. Tucson remained part of Mexico even after the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildago, and didn't become US territory until the 1854 Gasden Purchase. The family didn't move. Most still live in Tucson. The family has a copy of the original deed. They certainly aren't alone. It's more than just enclaves too. Tucson, with a metro population of about 1 million is 44% Hispanic. On the border, in Nogales, it's 90%. In Phoenix, the state's largest metro area, Hispanic population is 42%. That's millions of Hispanic in one state alone. Some who have been here for generations. It's much easier for them to come then say the Irish 160 years ago, which only had an enclave in the lower East side of NYC back in the day.
Why does Biden need a bill to address immigration? He can sign an executive order and handle it but doesn't want to. Don't think either side wants to unfortunately.
Not a commie but there is a Russian puppet running for the presidency, a guy who has praised the current leader of a Russia who has described the demise of the Soviet Union as a great geopolitical catastrophe. We definitely need less Russian puppets.
You're obsessed with Russia, half the world away, while you're own country is being sold out and stolen from under your feet. Russia is a joke. Terrorizing a neighborhood in another city, while your own neighborhood is being run by street gangs, thugs, and corrupt politicians. But by all means....let the traitorous dummy rats campaign on *the Russian boogeyman.*
And the guy you are talking about still manages to have time to be a Chinese puppet, a North Korean puppet, a Hungarian puppet and a Netanyahu puppet. Anywhere autocracy thrives or wishes too, orange man slips those kneepads right on.