Need to just mute the mics. No one watching tonight is tuned in to hear Doug Burghum or Mike Pence at all, much less listen to them try to speak in response to every single question to anyone.
On the same night as the series finale of Reservation Dogs, the show with perhaps the most humanity of any on TV, it's also a monument to inhumanity
I turned it off. What's new? Christie hates Trump. Biden's policies are creating more inflation, weakening the USA and we little control of a border that is killing over 70,000 Americans annually via Fentanyl. Burgum grew a successful business and was Governor - so, lots of Executive experience and he is knowledgeable; however, he's not used to being on TV and - in this day and age - is unlikely to be elected to anything nationally. My favorite comments was Tim Scott who said (paraphrased) "The first thing I will do is...." and then named 3 different things. LOL. Well, which one? They did give him a softball where he made clear he could not fire private industry employees as POTUS.
This debate is so poorly run as to be borderline unwatchable. Also what in the hell was the commercial about keeping our border safe by opposing the Biden administration’s menthol cigarette ban? I’m relatively confident that a Kools Cartel is not a real thing.
There really is something wrong with him that he can't answer a question and put together any kind of smile for a camera vs. that weird grimace he does. His handlers should tell him to imagine a minority or a woman whose rights he's taken away as he finishes an answer. Maybe he could manage a big smile then.