Those “unholy alliances” would vote Biden/Harris, or a no-chance-whatsoever third party candidate? I just don’t believe that.
If we’re just referencing Haley, specifically, in what ways do you suggest her wielding “power in a harmful way”?
She would neutralize his greatest debate tricks. How can you “listen here, Jack” or “come on, man” a woman?
She was not a good governor. I lived in South Carolina during some of her tenure. Infrastructure was crap, she illegally arrested protesters, she was constantly in spats with the Republican-controlled legislature, and her administration had multiple scandals. But more centrally, she'd appoint shitty judges, and I don't like her mine-run Republican policies ("cut entitlements," "pro-life," anti-LGBTQ, anti-police accountability, etc.). I am a liberal. I'll be voting for the candidate who is more liberal. I don't want a Republican President, even a normie Republican. They appoint assholes like Samuel Alito, Bill Pryor, and Clarence Thomas to the judiciary.
I can’t disagree with some of those concerns. Especially the Supreme Court appointments issue. Again, I’m more of a moderate. So, any policy veered too far left/right just isn’t good for our society as a whole. But, her take on abortion issues is absolutely correct imo. I’m resolutely pro-choice. However, I find her statements about not demonizing an individual person’s/family’s decision on the issue very refreshing. It’s also appealing that she views abortion rights as an issue for individual states.
Again, she talks a good game, but you're misconstruing her statement on abortion imo. Haley would absolutely ban abortion if she could. Her point was that it won't get through Congress. It's certainly honest, but it doesn't mean she wouldn't ban it federally if she could.
IMO, the most disturbing thing about the debate by far (&, I feel like I've typed these words before) is these BIG GOV titans are trying to out anti China each other. Insane ramblings about economic isolationism & (check the tape - not making this up) INCREASING our military (not slashing the F outta it) to protect Taiwan. massive increases to the protect the China Sea. Free markets = peace. Not idiotic big belligerent gov. I mean little bitch Vivek scolded Haley for being diplomatic toward China. That's gross.
I’m not so sure. I take her at face value that the decision shouldn’t be demonized. Having said that, your concerns there are not invalid.
Very possibly. They’re idiots. So, injecting rational thinking into their decisions would be an exercise in futility.
I can only tell you that back in South Carolina, she never held back on abortion. Roe just prevented her worst inclinations. I don't believe she's changed on the issue. And I recognize that you can argue that she doesn't have to have had changed since what she did in state government isn't incompatible with her stance on leaving it to the states. I'm simply saying that I'm skeptical she actually would if she had the choice.
I thought it was pretty well known Christie hates Trump because Trump hid his Covid diagnosis and almost killed Christie.
I agree and would not vote for her in the extremely unlikely event should she end up with the nomination but that being said unlike the Orange One and likely Republican nominee she wouldn't turn the country into a banana republic by weaponizing the federal government to punish her enemies both real and perceived nor would she handover Ukraine to Vladimir Putin.
Yes, very rational. “We have a duty to fund the worst carnage in Europe in over 75 years and I’m gonna use your taxpayer dollars to do it. No, you won’t see any return on investment. But we gotta lead on this. Kill baby, kill.”
I thought it was pretty well known Christie is an ass. Cue the baseball game clip. Guy’s always been a douche.