I'm obviously no fan of DeSantis but trying to be objective here. Unlike Vivek and the the former guy, DeSantis, Christie, and Scott are (like Haley) trying to talk about the issues like adults. Since I'm in the mood to be fair, I also think DeSantis' stage presence has been improving as time goes on. The CNN focus group had Haley winning but seemed that DeSantis improved his brand.
I just finished watching the debate and was coming here to post this sentiment. A Haley/Christie ticket would win in a landslide imo. I’m more moderate. I will be forced to vote Biden, if that’s my only counter to another trump administration of incompetence. But, if the GOP presents me with the option of Haley/Christie, it’s a no-brainer vote for a Republican Presidency.
I would vote for Haley for sure at this point. Definite no on Trump for sure, and 95% no on DeSantis at this point. Only people we need to discuss at this point as the others have zero chance.
If what you were looking for was a circus, he was certainly your clown. He’s the guy who apparently expressly told ABC that his strategy for the debate was just to be a troll so that they would pay attention to him.
IMO, he seems to be auditioning for a role in Trump's admin. Haley's opening statement shoulda been, "To quote Stealers Wheel, I've got clowns to the left of me; jokers on the right."
So silly, believing polls a year out with one candidate not even a nominee or likely to be. Nimrata has a lot of baggage herself.
They all have baggage. And I mean that for the pubs & dems. As a voter, all I’m concerned about is competence, and reasonably intelligent policy making. To be clear, I don’t think Biden has been incompetent or ineffective as President. But, I do have very real concerns about his physical and mental capacities moving forward another 5years. I want to have a clear understanding of who is calling the shots. I, personally, would feel more confident in someone younger than Biden. A Republican alternative is all we have currently. Edit: To clarify that if it’s Biden vs trump in 2024, I would definitely vote Biden. The “physical and mental capacities” argument would be a wash.
I would agree she stood out, but I thought Christie was also pretty solid. They also seem to have mutual respect for each other. I wonder if he has burned to many bridges with the crazy right to be an acceptable VP choice.
While I think Christie is a real smart guy and not a bad candidate in terms of actually governing, I suspect he’s ultimately a drag on the ticket when his niche is “guy that really hates Trump” - particularly where the perception is that a not inconsequential part of why he hates Trump is because Trump made him look like an idiot in 2016 by sending him out as a surrogate to defend all sorts of StupidTrumpShit™ and then after he did so still dropped him as transition chair and refused to give him the AG position he wanted.
If you guys think Nikki Haley can keep together the unholy alliances of Qanon, Proud Boys, White Nationalists, Wealthy investors, anti-abortion Evangelic Christians and low information rural Americans you are crazy. She would have to pick a total nut to be viable. Christie would be a poison pill for half those I listed as well.
Gotta give Nikki Haley credit, she has managed to earn a lot of credibility from some folks simply by acting like the only adult in the room. Sad that expectations are set so low.
People are so desperate for a "good Republican" in the MAGA era that they'll reward Republicans who suck as long as they act like mature, somewhat intelligent adults. On one hand, I get it. On the other hand, if they're still going to wield power in a harmful way, what are you really rewarding?