Keep making stuff up. I never said anything about it. In fact I agreed with River's comment: Stupid and offensive thing to do. Of course, he was fired. If there's a law he broke, charge him with it.
I don’t think my posting habits are all that relevant, as it was you that chose to start this thread with a shot at the other side, but I would say that I have defended conservatives many times on here. Biden announces reelection campaign So what’s new in DuhSantistan? Ohio voters have abortion amendment on ballot. But again, I’m not interested in personally competing with you on this measure. I am instead interested in how you started this thread claiming that liberals wouldn’t care because this person is a democrat. My question is how are you any different than this when it comes to Republicans?
You're way off base there. @GatorRade tries to walk the middle line more than any other poster on Too Hot. I've even commented on it.
If it were a male and female, would the title say “Heterosexual sex in the senate”? The fact that it was 2 people of the same sex is irrelevant. The being said, now I’m curious how many people in history have had sex in the senate chambers.
I’m fairly certain the fact that it was homosexuals is a huge part of why this bothers the OP so much and would like to see the staffer charged in addition to being fired.
Sorry maybe I should have said,black man, black guy, black mayor, black men, black voters, black farmers.....must I go on?
This poster never wants to have a normal conversation, it's either about homosexuals or everything is racist to him. I usually just ignore his ignorant comments
Ok I googled it and I’m finding nothing. You got a link for someone getting a 7 year sentence for trespassing?