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Gator Baseball 2023 Official Roster Tracker/Lineup???

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by Matherly87, Jun 12, 2022.

  1. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Neely seems to be the most likely but I think we have to wait and see what Sully does on Friday and Saturday. Sully usually does more to get a win before making decisions about tomorrow. Plus the rain might have more of an effect than even Sully can plan for. Who knows if we even get to play all 3 games.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. ocalaman

    ocalaman GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 30, 2018
    Your explanations are totally logical, but I don't think O'Sullivan will make all those changes in his lineup. I think he'll keep Kurland at leadoff, but will basically have the same batting order he had against UNF. Just my opinion. I'll be surprised if we get 3 games in this weekend.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I agree about Sully. I try to take it a step or two further than what he might think to add a few more ideas for everyone to consider. I seriously doubt Robertson will move up but he could be more productive than Riopelle based on the last three weeks.
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  4. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl
    I have to say BT needs to be moved down in the batting order. The way he’s been going if nothing else let’s get him back contributing—let him bunt his way outta his slump. He gets some confidence add hit & run—he gets a little more confidence let him swing away, maybe he’ll run into one….

    Off of current performances I wouldn’t have a problem with seeing Heyman swinging outta the four hole.

    Batting lead off is a big deal for the mind set of any hitter. Usually it’s going to take a seasoned hitter—folks, as far into the season as we are everybody should be playing like they’re in their second season. It’s a toss up IMHO for lead off between Kurland and Robinson. I think that I would try Kurland there because I like what I see from Robinson swinging in the nine hole.

    Ok, that’s me talking about hitting more than I have all year.
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  5. apkgator

    apkgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I would go with Kurland at the top too....that let's Rivera stay clean up and then you can put Heyman in the 5 hole which seems perfect
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  6. srqgtr

    srqgtr Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Sarasota, FL
    Is Cags the best option, defensively, at first base?
  7. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Right now I think Riopelle is. Heyman is doing fine at 1B as well.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Got to give credit when due. After my lengthy piece on the lineup, I noticed Langford got his first RBI in the SEC by knocking in another Gator on base. His other 3 were from his own solo homeruns, until now. For the record, I'd still rather see Rivera batting second in front of Cags and then either Langford or Heyman. I guess I have a feeling that Rivera and Langford would be even more productive with that change. Either way I'm very glad to see Kurland got the nod back to leading off so Langford can start making more aggressive adjustments. Also Riopelle might be coming around if he can get hot this weekend and hopefully start producing more over the next 10 games. Apparently Missouri is very good at righting plenty of wrongs we found after the South Carolina series.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2023
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  9. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I'm just going to put this here. It looks like Brandon Sproat pitches an exceptional game every third SEC game he appears in. Starting out with Alabama, then at Tennessee, and tonight at home against Missouri. That's over 21 innings and only 2 runs given up with 2 complete games. If this holds Kentucky better lookout cause Game 1 in Lexington ain't going over very well for the home fans. Personally I'd rather see Sproat go on the same kind of run last year in the last 5 games he pitched.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014
    What impact it could have if BT gets going!!! Look out. Timely hits and big RBI’s to add to what we already have!!!
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  11. gator1977

    gator1977 GC Legend

    Apr 15, 2019
    87, great work - thank you. I agree with a number of your recommendations but we all know Sully has a tendency to "stick with his guys" sometimes with counter-productive results. We saw it last year with his sticking with D Fabian at third for a bit too long and others kept in key spots in the batting who should have been dropped as Riopelle should be now, especially vs LHP.
    I'm very surprised that facing RHP- Prevesk has not had opportunities in RF.
    Do we have any word on an injury?
    And whatever happened to Rene Lastres? He was excellent in scrimmages- had one sub par outing early in the season-- and is exiled to the Tucker Talbot end of the bench? Not sure what is happening. Against LHP why not Heyman at first and Lastres C- and Riopelle sits?
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  12. gatorstevelp

    gatorstevelp Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Good stuff! This team seems to feed off of Langford who has not been himself since the injury. I’m confident he will be back to his old self sooner than later and maybe this “slump” for him will be a good thing for the team. Give them some struggles to work through during the season then hopefully start clicking as the post season approaches and Langford’s bat warms up. Langford hopefully doesn’t get really frustrated and start swinging at bad pitches. If Cags bat doesn’t protect him then I’m not sure what you can do about that except make the other team pay for putting him on base.
    Now for my counter opinion (lol) on BT. When you ran the SEC stats back on April 19th BT was 3rd in OBS…..he is probably 2nd now. He isn’t swinging and missing as much anymore like he was earlier….a lot more foul tips it seems. He’s a really good base runner……CRAZY TIME…..put him at lead off :)……that should get some responses lol
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2023
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. gatorstevelp

    gatorstevelp Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Maybe Sproat will have the run he had at the end of last season. It seems his command is getting much better.
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  14. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    All good thoughts and issues that don't seem to change enough. Side by side comparisons seem like no brainers to you and me but I'm sure there's plenty more that goes into it.
  15. ocalaman

    ocalaman GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 30, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  16. hoyt233

    hoyt233 GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 31, 2009
    Prattvile, AL-Go Lions!
    That is bizarre, but so is the NCAA sometimes.
  17. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl
    Between analytics, computers, and non-baseball people being put in charge—collectively they are absolutely destroying our game.

    I read an article like this one that @ocalaman shared and have to think at what point have they damaged the game enough?

    Too many people with too much time and obviously leverage on their hands that have absolutely no clue what they’re doing to the game.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. gatorstevelp

    gatorstevelp Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I’ve had pitchers (high school level) that had pauses similar to Waldrep and I checked the rule book and it was fine. I figured it was the lift of his right pivot foot.
    Rule book states: During delivery, he may lift his non-pivot foot in a step forward, a step sideways, or in a step backward and a step forward, but he shall not otherwise lift either foot.
  19. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    In the 5 games that Langford batted second in the last two weeks, he has gone 12 for 19 with 4 doubles, 1 homerun, and 6 RBIs. I think batting second suits him just fine.

    Great to see him leading the team again with a .397 batting average on the season. His SEC batting average is now back up to .333. Not that long ago it was close to .260 in conference.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  20. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Here's a batting average comparison by player on their season and in conference...

    Langford, Wyatt-----
    .397 --- .333
    Heyman, Luke------- .380 --- .353
    Rivera, Josh--------- .378 --- .363
    Caglianone, Jac----- .363 --- .310
    Shelnut, Tyler------- .329 --- .308
    Kurland, Cade------- .311 --- .262
    Robertson, Michael- .280 --- .260
    Riopelle, BT--------- .261 --- .194
    Halter, Colby-------- .261 --- .250
    Prevesk, Matt------- .250 --- .240
    Schiekofer, Richie-- .229 --- .111
    Evans, Ty------------ .217 --- .080

    Obviously its great that Shelnut has found a spot, but unfortunate for Evans, Prevesk and the Schiek. Riopelle is the loan drag on this lineup. Perhaps a few games to rest that hand could do him some good, although I doubt a senior would want to sit out his last FSU game and have a chance to hit that game winning homerun that we are all use to. Its great to see the first year players (Kurland, Robertson, Heyman, Shelnut, and Cags 2.0) all contributing so much to this team. I really hope Rivera gets back on another hot streak this weekend that takes him into the post season. If Tyler Shelnut continues doing what he has been doing, he could start getting considered as a possible leadoff hitter. He has an OB% on the season of .420 and rising, putting him 4th among starters above Kurland, Robertson, and Cags.
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