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Gator Baseball 2023 Official Roster Tracker/Lineup???

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by Matherly87, Jun 12, 2022.

  1. gatorfan5220

    gatorfan5220 VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Could he be a reliever thus not putting as much strain on his arm?
  2. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl

    Just my opinion but the relief role does the same thing as fas as heating a pitcher up to game speed, it will still be a matter of how his body responds/recovers between outings.

    Command, control, confidence, endurance strength, consistency of recovery I’m sure will all be monitored closely by Sully and his staff. And I agree with @gator1977–I will expect to see a 4 to 5 inning 75ish pitch count work load starting out. The normal successful pitch count work load increase is 15%.
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  3. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Some questions from my Top 10 I'll be looking to answer at today's scrimmage. Inquiring minds want to know.

    4. Does Robertson earn the start in CF? I think he has. Its all about the right combination of the three outfielders to see who Sully goes with. Robertson has the edge with his speed at CF and on the base paths. Now he has to show he can get on the base paths.
    7. Can Heyman or Lastres become dependable starters at catcher and bump Riopelle out of his spot? I'm not sure but good competition is a good thing to keep players working hard at getting better.
    8. Who is going to step up and be the closer? I could probably lay awake at night pondering this one if I wanted to. Certainly Slater, Abner, Hartzog, and a few freshmen could see time late in games.
    9. Will Rivera actually be the team leader thru the season? By that I mean what he shows on the field. Is he one of the best SS in the SEC? Does he keep his batting average up, get on base when needed, and find ways to bring in runs in key situations? Its one thing to bark out orders but its another to show everyone else how to get it done.
    10. Where does Langford bat in the order? Is he still our leadoff because Robertson or Halter can't hold down the spot? Obviously he could be most dangerous batting second or third but even more important is who hits behind him? Probably the best answer is where ever he helps this team score the most runs.
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  4. orlgator

    orlgator Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Love your three C's! My son and I always discuss the 3 C's - command, control and conviction. So pretty similar!
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  5. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
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  6. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I find it interesting that Sunday's scrimmage is not until 6 pm. I love getting some night time baseball in already. Time to bundle up.
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  7. ocalaman

    ocalaman GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 30, 2018
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  8. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I'd like to start first of all with an apology to Mr. Langford for making the comment that his bat seemed to be somewhat in a slump with not much productivity. I'm happy to report the slump is no more. Today Wyatt went 3 for 4 with two homeruns and a sharp hit single. He led off the bottom of the second (game started in the second) with a high fly ball that just cleared the wall in right center falling into the Gator bullpen. Its was about a 375 shot. Then in the fourth with a man on, Wyatt hit a bomb off the batter's eye out there about 420 feet. Next at bat was a sharp single back up the middle between second and the shortstop. His last at bat was a fly out to right. That was the first three runs for the blue for the day. Welcome back.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    And now with the rest of the story. Well I really wish I could drop in my notes from today but I made the ultimate rookie mistake. After seven innings of notes I hit the button on my phone to drop all apps and I forgot to save my practice notes I had started. Did that suck or what! Instead I'm left to give you a few ideas of what I saw. I don't want to attempt to rebuild them because most of them would probably be wrong. So here is what I have. My apologies to Gatorgal who knows how to do it right.

    Blue Starters
    1b Shelnut
    2b Thomas
    SS Fabian
    3b Alvarez
    C Riopelle
    LF Talbott
    CF Langford
    RF Evans
    P Waldrep

    Orange Starters
    1b Lastres
    2b Kurland
    SS Rivera
    3b Halter
    C Heyman
    LF Schiekofer
    CF Robertson
    RF Prevesk
    P Caglianone (yes Sproat was not out there today???)

    Notes : About 25 scouts showed up to watch Waldrep and after he was done in 3 innings half of them left, Langford was the big bat of the day with 2 homers and a single going 3-4 with 3 RBIs, Kurland had at least 2 hits that I remember both soft line drives in the outfield, Brown has got some wheels on him, Riopelle did very little to impress for seven and a half innings, BT had two bad throws down to second in the Orange's first at bat, BTs second throw was airmailed into center and allowed a run to score. In the top of the 9th Lastres hit a double to the wall in LCF that scored two and gave the Orange a lead of 5-3 in the 9th. Riopelle stepped to the plate in the bottom of the 9th with a runner on, two outs, and hit a BOMB out of the park to right. Game ended in a 5-5 tie.

    Pitching : Some of the pitchers we saw today were Waldrep (3), Cags (3), Fisher (3?), Jameson (2?), Finnvold (1?), Ursitti (2?), Neely (2). I had all of them in my notes but I can't recall exactly how long the relievers went. I do know the big story for me was Neely closed it out for the Orange in the 8th and 9th and was on the mound when Riopelle hit the bomb to right. Waldrep gave up two runs in 3 innings. The first one was on Riopelle because of his bad throws in their first inning on the field. He was unable to get either runner stealing second and then threw one into CF to score a run. Cags was fine but his biggest mistake was not having Langford on his team. You take Langford out of the batters he faced and Cags doesn't give up a run. Instead it was 3 runs in 3 innings. Fisher looked like he was hitting his spots with good command but still gave up a few hits. Jameson and Finnvold did alright, nothing great, Ursitti got into trouble in the 9th and Lastres made him pay with the big double. 3 runs crossed the plate in the 9th for Ursitti. Neely looked good in the 8th but made the mistake pitch to BT in bottom of the 9th to ruin the win for the Orange with the 2 run homer. In the end it was a day in the first week of practice that the pitchers were still trying to settle in. The big question is where was Sproat? I would have thought he would pitch facing off with Waldrep. Since it was Cags I have to believe Cags has the upper hand as the Sunday starter. Did Sproat maybe pitch on Tuesday? I don't know but hopefully someone will fill us in if they were there for Tuesday's practice.

    Defense was great with only one error other than Riopelle's throw into CF. One ball was in the dirt at 1b and rolled away but it was a short hopper that Rivera couldn't get to in time to make a good throw. It was a base hit all day in college ball. The error was on Schiekofer (I think) out in LF that he couldn't get under a pop up on the LF line and dropped it. Earlier he did the same thing but made a diving stab to save the out. I maybe wrong on who was out there in left for those plays. That said Schiekofer is looking a little shaky out there in LF. I still say Langford should be in left and Robertson earns center. Heyman threw a base runner out with a good throw down. I believe it was the blue that tried a double steal with runners at 1st and 3rd. The SS (Rivera?) threw the runner out trying to run home with a good throw.

    Hitting : I enjoy watching Kurland at the plate. The kid knows how to put bat on ball. Obviously he has good hand eye coordination. Both his hits were solid line drives at the right angle so no one had a play. I believe Rivera had two hits as well. Josh could be heard all game long out there at SS showing everyone how to do it. We have our much needed defensive team leader for the year. Other hits that I recall were Halter with a ground ball to right, Fabian with a ground ball back up the middle, and a few others that I can't recall.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
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  10. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    4. Does Robertson earn the start in CF? Nothing shown today but Langford is still our best option in LF.
    7. Can Heyman or Lastres become dependable starters at catcher and bump Riopelle out of his spot? Heyman was good behind the plate today. All catchers had a passed ball or two. Lastres with the big double but Riopelle had the hit of the day.
    8. Who is going to step up and be the closer? Surprise surprise Neely was in the closer spot today and gave up the bomb to end it in a tie. Not good, NEXT.
    9. Will Rivera actually be the team leader thru the season? Most certainly
    10. Where does Langford bat in the order? He is still batting leadoff along with Robertson but Wyatt had the best bat today by far. Robertson much at all.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. gator1977

    gator1977 GC Legend

    Apr 15, 2019
    87, Thanks for your observations. Good to see Langford get it going- he was just missing pitches in the two scrimmages I attended- not making solid contact so good to see him back in stride. No Sproat is worrisome and I hope that doesn't mean-- 1. physical setback or 2. Sully is pulling him from the Friday slot which I would not agree with. He looked sharper than Waldrep last Friday and the move would not help his confidence level- we'll see what's up. Cags is a weekend guy until further notice. No Coppola yet.... is not good.
    On catcher slot: BT is the guy but he is not the best defensive catcher among the top three - especially on throws to second. I continue to say Lastres has the quickest release and a very strong and accurate arm. But BT bat has to be in the lineup.
    The Closer remains a question mark- but I give Ficc. a shot although his middle relief work is valauble. Not sure about Neely in closer role. He did not look sharp as SP on Saturday and giving up the bomb to BT in the 9th is not encouraging although these guys mostly know what's coming in scrimmages. Still think Neely likely or Tuesday guy.
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  12. apkgator

    apkgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Sproat pitched earlier in the week.
    I was told it was Brown that was struggling in LF
    Clearly there is something up with Coppola at this point....Sully usually errs on the side of caution so hopefully just being safe
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 3
  13. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Great info APK, I was hoping Sproat might have pitched the day before. It makes sense that Brown was the one in LF. My eyes struggle with guys in the outfield since they don't turn around much so you can spot their numbers.
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  14. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I did see Coppola on Wednesday. Before the last inning started he came jogging by from one dugout to the other to deliver some gear to another player. He was in shorts and t-shirt though and made me think he had the day off. I was encouraged that he was at least jogging because someone with a bad back probably wouldn't be jogging. Jogging is along way from taking the mound though.
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  15. gator1977

    gator1977 GC Legend

    Apr 15, 2019
    Thanks for the info on Sproat having pitched which makes sense after two innings on Friday. Usually, Sully tries to keep the top two guys on the same schedule and also (I think) as a courtesy to scouts who are usually there en masse when they pitch. Good that he's fine but a bit worrisome that Coppola has yet to pitch this Spring.
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  16. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I'm hoping to be there Sunday night for the scrimmage. Maybe someone can be there Saturday as well. I would think Sproat will pitch one of those days. With no Coppola I wish someone would ask for an update from Sully before the season starts.
  17. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Question for the panel....
    I'm wondering from all of you that are unable to attend practice if you have any questions or answers that we should be looking for. For instance do you think this team has any weakness or a key position that needs more attention? That way any of us there might be able to comment on what we see. I don't see many problems with this team. Sure Kurland is the young unknown but I think he looks ready to step in. Evans in RF has already shown his ability but can he step it up even more in this second year? My main concern is who will end up in the middle relief and closer roles. Mid week starters are always a secondary thought so that will have to wait until the weekend rotations get figured out. Your thoughts, anyone....
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  18. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl
    Ok 87—here’s the one thing for me that has multiple options for the best answer….we have more and better options at catcher than usual this year.
    Who actually handles our weekend starters better? With that comes who is actually better defensively (catching and or blocking), who is actually better throwing out base runners/shutting down the running game of our opposition.

    Then who swings the more productive bat—the position brings a lot to bear for its place in the lineup.

    It will good to find out what’s going on with Coppola-if he’s going to be a reliable option then I would like to see how the RHP/LHP closer options work out with Hartzog and Cags.

    Where does D. Fabian really fit in this defense and batting order?

    Somebody else jump in anytime….
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. ocalaman

    ocalaman GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 30, 2018
    Other than 1 mention about a dropped fly ball in left field, I've not see anything posted about whether or not Max Brown is earning any kudos in his attempt to be a 2-sport player. With the QB job up for grabs, I would have thought he would concentrate in preparing for spring football. Apparently, however, he was primarily a standout baseball player in high school and only played football his junior and senior years. Just curious whether Brown can work his way through all the competition on the baseball team to make his move worthwhile.
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  20. gator1977

    gator1977 GC Legend

    Apr 15, 2019
    87, I agree -- of greatest concern/challenge for this team to be exceptional against other elite teams is relief pitching and especially a reliable closer. A few candidates come to mind but no one of the Michael Byrne caliber jumps out as yet. A tall order, I know.
    I am also a big believer in strength up the middle so, as 74 points out, settling the catcher situation (with weight given to Defense and ability to throw out runners) is key as is the chemistry between SP and catcher. Also settling on the second baseman and DP combo is important and still think there is comp in RF. In sum, questions remain on who plays and who sits and when. Having the talent level that we have this year is great but also challenging. Getting the key guys enough reps to stay sharp and happy is a challenge for Sully. If the chemistry meshes this team can go far.
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