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Gator Baseball 2022 Roster/Lineup/Batting Order

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by Matherly87, Jun 17, 2021.

  1. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Well the only hot bat at catcher is BT. Certainly BT is our "starter" so he plays the most by default. Regardless of opposing pitcher Sully's best option is to get BT the start behind the plate 2 out of 3 times or else put BT in the DH spot once or twice as well. Obviously the numbers show BT has very little success against LHP. Another consideration is the opposing teams ability to steal bases. None of our catchers have stepped up to shut it down. So back to your question, Sully will go with BT anytime we face a RHP and watch to see him inserted at DH later in the game if a LHP is the starter or have him bunt otherwise against LHP when needed. No catcher should catch all three weekend games. The unknown is how important is Barco's connection with Guscette? Either way BT is too valuable batting 5th in the order.
  2. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Watched some weather models which show we do have a thin chance of getting the Friday game in. Not saying I'm betting money on it but it could happen that most of the evening rain on Friday stays north of Gville and doesn't approach until close to 10 PM. The unknown is how much rain we get during the day and the field conditions. I'm wondering if we get only light showers early they will try to see if they can start it on time and hope the rain holds off. On the plus side Saturday looks like the rain pulls through earlier than noon or 1 PM.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  3. MatsideObserver

    MatsideObserver GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2008
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    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  4. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Now I feel like Sunday is a must to be there. You get to watch 2 starting pitchers, Pogue and Manning, setting themselves up for upcoming opportunities.
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  5. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    With wind out of the NW for most of this weekend looks like our lefties (Halter, Thompson, Riopelle, Armstrong) will enjoy lifting one deep. Don't count out Deric and Jud from trying to go oppo, especially Deric.
  6. TheBoss

    TheBoss Premium Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    Hot is the applicable word. In the short College season, it's possible for a streak or slump to last a whole season, but most guys will be up and down. It's an art for coaches to spot. Which hitters are heating up or cooling off. Sully and his assistants have done well in that area often enough to get to the CWS with teams that were not their most talented.
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  7. gtj31

    gtj31 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    London, United Kingdom
    Not trying to be a Dickensian but which year(s) are you thinking about? Which Sully team(s) were the least talented that made Omaha?

    2010 was young. Uber-talented but young.
    2011 and 2012 were loaded.

    2015-2018 were all stacked. You could easily argue UF could have 3 titles in that time span.

    Just wondering which team(s) were jumping out for you as less talented?
  8. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    NAME ---------- AVG LHP RHP 2O
    C. HALTER------ .390 .550 .308 .333
    J. FABIAN------- .288 .286 .289 .400
    S. THOMPSON-- .373 .273 .432 .304
    W. LANGFORD-- .333 .429 .297 .333
    B. RIOPELLE---- .343 .250 .370 .182
    K. CALILAO----- .238 .250 .235 .235
    J. RIVERA------- .222 .545 .118 .176
    K. ARMSTRONG .243 .250 .241 .000
    D. FABIAN------ .298 .167 .343 .545

    During the first game today I pulled this out of the Live Stats feed so everyone could see our main hitters and their averages against LHP vs RHP. Please know this was early on in the game so the numbers have changed but I captured the info when I could. Start by looking at Halter and how much better he hits LHP than RHP. It amazes me how often another team brings in a reliever that's a lefty to face him. But them Sterlin is what you would think, great against RHP. Riopelle has started hitting better against LHP so that should help him get more ABs into conference play even with Guscette maybe out awhile. Our biggest concern has to be Rivera against RHP. Makes you ask yourself is that wrist still bothering him? But Rivera is still way better against LHP, go figure. Lastly if we have outs and runners on its clear we want a Fabian at bat. You think wow Jud's batting .400 with 2 outs but Deric is killing it batting .545 with 2 outs. And yes they are from Ocala.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2022
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  9. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Driving home after game 2 I decided not to post my normal key points from today's games since these types of games kind of skew the normal picture. Instead I though of three reasons why I think this team will finish much stronger than last year. Thinking it through it made me think of this as a starting point and I know it sounds like some business acronym you could read on some motivational poster. But, it fits this team and my reasoning which is, "Leadership through authenticity allows confidence to thrive." Here are my three reasons this team goes deep.

    1. Look at what Jud Fabian, Kenny Calilao, and Kris Armstrong have done.
    All three started out really bad, like low .120 BAs or worse, but they all went to work and have improved leaps and bounds in the last few weeks. This is what experienced leadership does. When things aren't going your way you work harder and improve what you're doing. Jud's now batting .304 and leads the team in 6 very important stats by keeping his foot in the bucket. Kenny Calilao is now up to .283 and climbing. The man is hitting line drives almost with every at bat. Unfortunately several have been caught by infielders or that number would be even higher. Kris Armstrong is batting .250 which is way better than .050 just a few weeks ago. More importantly is how often Kris is banging one through the opposite side of the infield against the shift or no shift. Kris had 2 doubles today alone. All three of them are peaking at the right time for conference play and raising everybody's expectation.
    2. Defense Defense Defense
    Okay so we have now had 8 errors on the year but hardly a one of then is from either booting a grounder or dropping a fly ball. Most of them are bad throws especially from the catchers. The point is this returning group of experienced players have stepped up their performance and are showing the younger guys what's expected, hello young Fabian. Sure it could be said Deric is showing the rest of the infield how its done but together all our fielders are making great plays and minimizing outs for the other team.
    3. Leadership has built confidence in our pitching staff.
    It was told to me that last year our pitching staff had a few key individuals that were bad seeds and it spread to many of our relievers, but that's not my point. My point is this year's pitching staff has a leader that is leading by example with Hunter Barco. See Barco was here through the troubles so he knows the importance of leadership and the confidence it brings. We all see it. It's been like night and day and you should all know the importance that Hunter has been to this pitching staff. That's part of the reasoning we have Coach Kopp to help flush out the system. Barco realized it early on in the rebuild and took it to heart. So next time Barco leaves the mound at Florida Ballpark after another great performance, make sure you stand and applaud him all the way to the dugout because he represents and leads these pitchers by his example.

    Hopefully Sunday is another pleasant day for many of our players to pad their stats, work out some kinks, and get more experience for the younger players. Its even more important to see how Pogue works for a few innings and then Manning hopefully shuts them down for most of the rest. Remember a few weeks ago I said the weekend rotation plan might end up being Barco, Pogue, and Manning. With Sproat still up and down that opens the door for Pogue to step in when he is fully ready. Time will tell.:cool:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014

    great stuff as always!!! Love what you say about Hunter and how much he means to our staff and team. It truly feels like a different team this year for sure.

    Jud, Kenny, and Armstrong- Wow can you see the maturity. I’m a big Armstrong guy and his at bats all of a sudden look very different.

    7 Sac bunts this year is almost double last year’s TOTAL of 4. As we said last year the ability and willingness to lay a sac bunt down is more than just doing it. Not just about moving runners over it’s also about that willingness to give for the team. Everybody wants to hit 400 foot home runs but it says something when you put down a 18 foot sac bunt and the whole team is excited.

    Side notes:
    Hoping Halter ready for Tuesday. Any news here?

    Guscette- Didn’t look good. Let’s hope not as bad as it looked. Not hitting but a super team kid. Beautiful sac bunt he put down.

    Doesn’t have to be a shutout today but sure would like to see us pitch better than we did the first 2 games. In spots we looked good but in other spots we struggled.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. ocalaman

    ocalaman GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 30, 2018
    Pitching is still a concern heading into the meat of the schedule. We seem to have a lot more options than in recent years, but few of them are proven against quality teams. Sunday starter is still a big ? and he's still trying to figure out who can be relied on coming out of the bullpen. Like this team, though.
  12. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Well Sunday did not go as "planned". I feel like Pogue and Manning both just missed a big opportunity. Sure its just one game and baseball can be fickle but come on. You have to go out there no matter who you are playing and contribute. After the game Sully said the dugout energy did not feel right. He even got everyone together about it but it didn't seem to matter. They were in a hole all day. He expects to hear more chatter and more guys wanting to step up and cover someone's back when needed. That didn't happen.
    Twice this season Sully has called them out about what's expected in the dugout. The last time was against Liberty. I certainly agree that's important for team morale and all but I have an issue. I usually sit right above the tunnel leading back from the dugout and in both games we lost because of low morale I saw upset players walking into the batting cages pitching a fit, knocking over trash cans, cursing up a storm, or trying to unleash some frustration with their personal performance. My question, if they are so upset, why don't they go out on the field and do something about it? Hey find a way to get on base, knock a base runner over, hit a fly ball to score a run, and for Sully's sake throw strikes. Sure easier said than done for someone like me but when they do the little things the fans will show they appreciate it. Otherwise it's going to be a long wasted season again.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    No word yet on Halter or Guscette. I'd be shocked if Halter doesn't play on Tuesday.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl

    I’ll have to say this with regards to Pogue and his day. As I said in an earlier post in today’s game thread—I thought the big positive for him was the arm seemed to be working free and easy.

    What so many folks don’t understand is today was his first day against another team. He is not at full game speed but he has to get his work in. The other team will know this but it makes no difference to them with their own approach offensively.

    Pogue has all of his physical and mental doubts. The uncertainty of “can I trust it” (his arm, the surgery, the rehab, his mental confidence) while in front of the crowd on the biggest stage of his career.

    All of this while trying to recover his Command, Control, and Confidence to be effective enough that his team as well as his coach can count on him….

    Piece of cake, right?;)
    • Winner Winner x 2
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014
    Me too on Halter. I’ve personally dealt w quads before and can be a pain literally.

    Guscette, I’d think a week or two.

    Any word on Coppola?

    Like to see Mike Robertson soon as kid can play but I believe he had a ham issue, another tricky one, and needed some time.
  16. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014

    All of what you said is what makes Nesbit’s performance so impressive.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. TheBoss

    TheBoss Premium Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    Good question, but I'll take the lazy way out by saying 2017 did not seem to be as strong as teams just a few years earlier. By strength, I mean the team roster, excluding other variables. Lazy means I haven't looked back to compare the rosters, but I would guess I'd consider one of the Zunino era teams to be the strongest. Luck, especially in brackets throughout the tournament and results in other games, plays a part in how any team advances. Coaching decisions can be critical, too, none more than Sully bring in Kowar for Byrne. A risk that won the title.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. MatsideObserver

    MatsideObserver GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2008
    Brad Weitzel: “It wasn’t the best team we’ve ever taken to Omaha but it’s the best team we’ve ever brought back” (may not be the exact quote but it’s close)
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  19. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl

    I agree shane—the thing is, to be more specific about either player you would need exactly where either one of them are in their rehab protocols.

    As fans we are not privy to that information nor really should we be. Even if their time lines were the same all the way back to their surgery date—every athlete is geared to his own body’s recovery and every player is different in one way or another.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014
    Again, very well said. To your point, we sometimes hear stories of athletes returning “too soon”, “ before their ready” , etc. One thing I think we can all say for Sully is he always seems to be very careful/cautious. With Pogue, there definitely are mechanical things he will have to work out but I’d say the mental part is as big as anything else. Hard not to be amped up and stay calm when you haven’t competed in so long. My guess is Nesbit and Pogue aren’t that far apart. They were able to throw for the first time in over year in a competitive situation and only 4-5 days separated those opportunities. That being said good point on every players recovery and how one body can react differently than another. Pogue probably can’t do things he used to be able to do ….YET. Key word with yet and definitely optimistic on my end. Here’s to hoping he continues to progress.
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