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Gator Baseball 2022 Roster/Lineup/Batting Order

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by Matherly87, Jun 17, 2021.

  1. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Yep lots to agree with here. No word on the schedule unless its been posted this morning. Ethan had an interesting observation at the scrimmage. Sully's best options right now for the weekend rotation might be Barco, Coppola, and Manning. Stop and think, yep they're all lefties and is that the best situation? I sure hope Abner just had a bad night. I'm also wondering how Milchin is doing. I haven't seen him any this spring. Part of my confusion with Calilao is every time I'm there and any reports always have him on the Blue at first. You would think if he's starting he would play some on the Orange instead of Caglianone or Armstrong on first. I get which team is not necessarily an indicator for starters (see Halter and Deric) but I would think Sully would want to experiment some on the batting order with Calilao in that top 5-6 hitter range. With the Blue he seems to just be filling a position.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. gator1977

    gator1977 GC Legend

    Apr 15, 2019
    Interesting observation from Ethan on weekend guys. Barco is in by default and Coppola and Manning have been the most impressive in the Spring. But agree three LHP in a row- a bit unorthodox. Maybe give Sproat a fair shot as weekend starter... and of course Sully still searching for the next Byrne.
    Haven't seen Milchin in action in Spring- he's been charting with Pogue.
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  3. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl

    Good points 77–An all lefty weekend rotation is definitely outside the norm—we will just have to see what shakes out. Hopefully it will come down to a competitive level for slots and not injury or health issues.

    Let’s get them rolling and then hopefully enjoy the ride!
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  4. gtr2x

    gtr2x GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    Well all things being equal, an all lefty rotation seems better than an all righty rotation which we have had often in the past. Hopefully, it would give the catchers a break in the running game, but ya never know.

    I see Hunter McMullen on the roster, but has he pitched at all or is he still recovering? Just curious since its been a long time since Ive heard his name and prior to his injury it seemed like he had a lot of potential.

    Excited to hear about all the options from afar. Some of those pitching #s are scary tho.
  5. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Non existent as far as I can tell. I asked some friends from Forest High about him a few years back and it seemed he had more issues than just his arm.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  6. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Join us for a seven inning scrimmage this Saturday at 6 p.m.!
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  7. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    This came from their twitter feed but nothing about this weeks schedule. Hopefully @EthanHughes will pass along any info on scrimmages. This Saturday looks really interesting to be there for the full 7 innings.
  8. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014
    Sproat- unless he’s developed a decent off speed pitch he’s my closer.
  9. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I also agree with this for now. Hopefully Pogue can get back to that role by the end of April. Also hard to say how any of these freshmen are going to handle live action once SEC play begins. Maybe one of them can step up and handle a closer role, doubtful but you can see Sully really putting the effort in with these freshmen in relief.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. easyout1

    easyout1 Sophomore

    May 14, 2007
    Eh...Sully knows best and coached him in the summer, while he did excellent against great competition...

    Side note : If he hasn’t proven that’s he’s developed a second pitch....closer is exactly the worst spot to put him in...95+ with no off speed in the 8th and 9th inning will earn him a 5 + ERA and a ton of blown games.

    Lefty Righty Lefty will be an ideal staff. Hopefully Sproat has it figured out, because that dude has all the talent in the world.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  11. gator1977

    gator1977 GC Legend

    Apr 15, 2019
    Practice/ Scrimmage Schedule
    Wed. . : 2:30 p.m. / 4 p.m.
    Thurs. . : 2 p.m. / 4 p.m.
    Friday . : 2:30 p.m. / None
    Sat. . : 4:45 p.m. / 6 p.m
    Sunday . : 11 a.m. / 12:30 p.m.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
  12. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I'll be there Saturday. After Monday's massive turnout of 7 people counting myself you might want to get there early to find a seat. Actually with no scrimmage on Friday it puts an even bigger emphasis on the pitching staff on Saturday with the 7 innings planned.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I forgot to mention at Monday's practice I got there around 5:10 and the team was still out there going thru bunting drills. That's the third time I've been there and all three times they are working on bunting drills and as others have said. What made this interesting is that all the players were hooping it up and were very loud at the ending as if it was a competition of some sort. It was the loudest I've heard the team reacting in any practice. Apparently whatever Sully and the coaches have them doing is working because they were engaged in the process.
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  14. gator1977

    gator1977 GC Legend

    Apr 15, 2019
    (Go Gators Basketball!) Ok onto baseball

    I caught 3.5 innings of an eventful scrimmage.
    Neely pitching for Blue - Lastres C (Hartman in relief)
    Finnvold for Orange Guscette C

    Neely showed ok stuff but pitched behind in the count and paid the price against the mostly A team. His line was not pretty. 2 1/3 4 runs, 4 hits, 2 walks and 1 hit batter with the top of 2nd called abruptly as Sully... ah less say he was unhappy - when Halter lost a pop up in the sun (without sunglasses)-- Sully went into a scolding session, including Lastres for being slow on the signals calling (my view-- Lastres was trying to slow Neely down who was struggling) and calling out the left side of infield for poor positioning (Riopelle and D Fab.). It was followed by a 5-minute all-team huddle on the mound. (Lastres followed the scolding by hitting a 390' blast that curved foul by 2 feet down left field line).
    The gem for Blue was Hartman who came into a major jam inherited from Neely (one out, two in scoring positions) and shut it down getting 2 outs - the last a K on Langford on a wicked slow breaker that buckled the knees on a 3-2 count. Hartman also worked a scoreless 4th.

    On the Orange side- Finnvold was not flawless but wiggled out of two bases loaded innings and did fine. Big hitting from Thompson- in four at bats-- 3-3 and a walk- one double on short hop of center field wall- line drives in every direction. Jud also looked good with a few hits and RBI.
    Armstrong was back at 3rd and made two good plays. I think he'll be at 3rd and Calilao at 1st. The middle is also set with Guscette, Rivera, Halter and Jud. So the question remains who will be best in LF? Langford remains iffy in the field so if the above holds he can be DH and have a speedy Robertson or Prevask in LF. We shall see. But from what I saw today, Hartman may be a top guy to consider in relief. Lots of good pieces to play for Sully.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Good stuff there Gabe and thanks for the update. We certainly have plenty of pieces for Sully to juggle in the field. I appreciate your input on 3rd and I won' be surprised if Armstrong gets it. If Deric was a little more consistent at the plate I think he would get it but neither are having a big spring at the plate. You have to respect Armstrong's power in the middle of the lineup and that's a good place to start especially as a switch hitter. Sorry you had to be there on another Neely/Finnvold evening but glad to hear Hartman is progressing nicely. One question, how was Mac behind the plate, that is many passed balls from Finnvold again and how did he do handling the calls with the baserunners?
  16. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014
    Nesbit if ready in a few weeks will help a lot.
  17. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    No one has seen Pogue or Nesbitt throw yet from my recollection. I doubt either will be ready in a few weeks. Let's hope one of them makes a bullpen appearance before the season.
  18. gator1977

    gator1977 GC Legend

    Apr 15, 2019

    Mac was fine behind the plate - in command-- and made contact, including fisting a tough inside pitch for a hit.. he was also the HBP (on the hand) but stayed in the game and singled in his next at bat-- tough kid. I like his grit and see him as the catcher with Riopelle in situations. Lastres will be great in future but will have to abide his time - Sully was bit hard on him today- when I sense Lastres was trying to settle Neely down by slowing the game some--
    By the way, D. Fabian made contact and had two singles on the lefthanded Finnvold today. Rivera not throwing yet with 10 days to go so who knows what will happen there on the opening weekend. Deric may get his opportunity.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014
    I seem to recall reading that the plan was to get them both throwing by March. That’s only a few weeks away or maybe it’s more like mid March for Seton Hall, which is a week away from our first SEC series against Bama. Starting back against Seton Hall means they’ve missed 15 games or over 26% of the season. Waiting to Bama Would mean they missed the first 19 games.
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  20. srqgtr

    srqgtr Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Sarasota, FL
    The last note I saw was that Rivera was still in non-throwing mode. Is he going to be ready (able/allowed) for the season to open next week?