If you believe the Bible is the word of God (which I don’t - by the way), the Jews were definitely in on the Jesus crucification. Hiding behind the Romans is a how they attempt to whitewash it.
All the Jews have to do is participate in the Evangelical apocalypse fantasy and either renounce their faith or be destroyed and spend eternity in hell. Amirite?
Is this supposed to be a religious discussion thread or a discussion about the Antisemitism Awareness Act? If religious: regardless of whom you believed were "in on" the crucifixion of Jesus; the idea of holding a grudge against the race/ethnicity of individuals responsible is way off target. Christians sort of lean on the resurrection as a significant event; the idea that there was a party that foiled plans that were Jesus' otherwise undermines any concept of divine authority. If related to the Act: I'd be curious to know what good reason there is to put forth the Act; it seems to only serve as a potential to limit speech. I support her no vote (I'm no MTG fan), but I'd be willing to learn of the views from others who disagree. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
“The Jews”, as in all of them together? I’m no Bible historian, but I’m pretty sure that it was “some Jews” who had a role in it. It doesn’t make sense to hang this on all Jews… or do you blame all current Italians for the actions of the ancient Romans as well?
Unless your a college student, Hamas terrorist supporter, on various college campuses. They are all masked up. But you are correct... the supporters of those "protest" that are here are unmasked.
Blaming 'the Jews' for killing Jesus is pretty ridiculous and really seems nothing more than an excuse to justify whatever hatred or negative crap you're feeling already. But do we really need Congress to pass some kind of law about it?
The Antisemitism Awareness Act was my main thrust. I think our positions align on this and I agree with your post 100%. I was just pointing out that if you believe what the Bible says, the Jews most certainly played a role. But you're correct, the underlying message of the new testament, being "love" and "forgiveness" undercuts any sort of grudge that would be held against Jews, especially today.
I'm not a Christian. I'm merely pointing out that if you believe what the Bible says, it very clearly indicates the Jews wanted Jesus Christ dead. Nothing more, nothing less. It is what it is. And so, no, we don't need Congress to pass some kind of law about it.
The Jewish religious leaders at that time had an immense amount of authority over the Jewish population in terms of how they lived their lives. Throngs of rules and regulations. When I say "the Jews" in this case, I am speaking about their religious leaders at the time. The Germans were responsible for the Holocaust. For the most part, their conversion to Nazism was voluntary. Are we racist against Germans for pointing this out? Of course not, because we know their leaders drove the agenda. But the Germans still did it. If it was all Hitler, why did we have Nuremburg trials?