Indeed, I would not envy the beholder’s subsequent case of pink eye! But in reality, even though I am often one of the more ardent proponent of the “eye of the beholder” perspective on here, I would hate to think that this is the best we could do when trying to decide which ideas are crazy. Some ideas have to actually be crazy.
History has shown that entertainment and marketing sells better than news and facts. All about building up and sustaining emotion for clicks.
I mean this is borderline satire i assume. ...But thankfully the left members of this board who seem to spend time watching, continue to keep us posted on Fox's escapades.
The "no reasonable person would take us seriously" excuse has worked in the past for Fox News, but the $787 million Dominion lawsuit shows that sometimes Fox News' lies are just lies.
You're preaching to the choir. I just think this stuff is more satirical than other stuff they throw out.
Any evidence that it’s actually intended as satire? And do you really think this has not contributed to at least some of the wingnut stuff that people believe these days?
1. I said "I assume". That would tell you I have no evidence. 2. I absolutely believe they contribute. I have never said otherwise. I believe MSNBC does the same. 3. People find info that confirms their bias.
1. Got it 2. Maybe MSNBC is as bad as Fox. I'm not saying it's not, but I haven't seen evidence. Can you point to any? Of course, I've also seen claims here for years that CNN is just as bad as Fox, or even that NYT is as bad. 3. True. But that obviously doesn't excuse Fox. Nor do the various attempts here to direct the blame at liberals for pointing out Fox's absurdity.
He gets it from "they" and "people" - You know what "they" said about the Hunter laptop - "They" said they know someone that flipped 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden
I'm just busting chops about libs watching fox. ... And CNN isnt the same as fox. Not even close imo.