A woman got fined for having a sign in her yard that said something profane about Biden and Trump,for violating obscenity laws. She lost in court, but sued and the town paid her $32k. Language in the link. A Tennessee woman who hates both Trump and Biden won a $32,000 lawsuit against her city after it fined her for a vulgar yard sign.
Ha, bold retort. "I will warn you, I don't want to see you back in here," the judge said. "Your Honor, I do not want to see the City of Lakeland continue to violate my First Amendment rights," Pereira replied.
Vulgar language seems a bit much. Make your point about the politicians with language you don’t mind your kids seeing. I’d be pretty bothered by any signage in my neighborhood with cuss words on it regardless of the context.
I kind of agree but I side on freedom over protecting people with feint hearts. Kids either won’t know what the word means or use it more than their parents.
Tough issue given the 1A against obscene language in public. I'd rather not see such a sign in my 'hood and yet feel like it might be great (and necessary) to post 1,000 of these signs around the White House and maralago. The people are beginning to speak loudly.
Funny, in the written form the word is considered vulgar. But it is part of the daily spoken lexicon around the globe.
Somebody drives around town with a f Brandon flag on their truck. Every time I see it I think what a maroon and go about my day.
Every town probably has at least one or maybe a handful of those “giant truck, giant flag” guys. I’m with you, it doesn’t convey the message they think it does. One of the dudes that does it around here also rolls coal all over the place, to let everyone know he’s a special kind of stupid (and obviously looking for attention).
There seems to be a group of people who take their being stupid as a virtue. The kind of guys who park in charging lanes with their jacked up trucks and their trump flags.
Trumpers in my neighborhood fly their trump flags with the stars and bars under it. It’s free speech so I get they are allowed but it annoys me. If they weren’t such great cooks I probably wouldn’t go over there at all. lol
The first amendment has been incorporated at the state/local level so it does apply. The question would be if the signs met the requirements of speech limitations. Most likely not
A town can’t override the consitution, federal laws supersede state or local ones. The question is, can a person say a bad word on their own property. Heck, can a bad word be banned at all? Lawyers here can tell me I’m wrong, but it seems precedent says that the town would lose this case if it went up to the USSC. If you can use profanity in a public place you sure as heck should be able to use it on your own property. It’s probably why they settled. Cohen v. California (1971) | The Free Speech Center
Thats pretty much my point. Cities dont have the same restrictions as congress and they can enforce obscenity laws. We block certain content from kids all the time. This should be no different.
We censor things for the sake of age all the time. Obscenity laws do exist. As do sign laws. Cities restrict billboard content on private property. Heck some ban billboards on private land just for aesthetics. Talk about quelling speech. A lot of zoning laws cover sign location and content.