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Forum Rules for all sports forums...... (2/4/2019)

Discussion in 'Help Forum' started by GatorGrowl, Mar 4, 2019.

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  1. GatorGrowl

    GatorGrowl Forum Admin Moderator VIP Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    Paris, TN
    The Golden Rule of Posting
    The Golden Rule
    "Post unto others, as you would have them post unto you"... In other words, think about what you are saying and what you have typed before hitting the Enter Key.

    Be respectful of your fellow members!

    A.. Code of Conduct
    Flaming, harassing, insulting, or threatening a coach, player, or another member is not allowed nor will it be tolerated.

    B. Profanity is not permitted, everybody slips once in a while... The occasional "hell", "damn", "ass" “shit” etc... are fine, just not every other word of each post. The F word, even with symbols "F#%*" is never permitted. G.D. is not permitted.

    C.The following subjects will not be tolerated as topics for conversation in the free or premium sports forums:
    Sexual Orientation

    These topics are reserved for Too Hot for Swamp Gas.

    D. Spamming is not allowed.

    E. Posting of links to Pornographic sites is not permitted. Posting of pornographic or overtly sexual images is not acceptable.

    F. Arguing your point with a moderator or refusing to do, or stop doing something a Moderator has asked you about, will not be tolerated. If you have an issue with a Moderator, arguing with him or her on the forum is not a smart move. Send a PM to one of the site administrators.

    G. Screen names, avatars, links of an offensive or suggestive nature will not be tolerated and may be
    removed at Administrators discretion.

    H. Posting of personal information (i.e., phone numbers, addresses, employment) within topics is not allowed.

    I. Copyright
    When posting an article and link to a news source, keep in mind the following:
    If the article has more than 8 paragraphs then post 4 paragraphs

    If the article has less than 8 paragraphs then post 3 paragraphs
    If the article is 6-7 paragraphs then post 3 paragraphs
    If the article is 3-5 paragraphs then post 2 paragraphs.
    You may link to an article on a rival Gators site, that would be 247, Scout, Rivals and others that may start up.

    J. Rumors should not posted about a Gator player or coach.

    K. Moderators and admins are not to be blocked or placed on your "ignore" list.

    L. Someone giving out multiple negative ratings without an explanation, or giving multiple negative ratings to the same poster over multiple posts is prohibited. Posters with little posting history may NOT leave negative ratings without providing an explanation. Moderators or Administrators of the forums will determine if the poster's history is enough so that the poster may give negative ratings.

    Sr. Administarator GatorGrowl
    Administrators GatorNana, UncleNunzio, OklahomaGator
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2019
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