Themistocles was more like Cliffy from cheers. What happened to Notorious, he said he had been having to health problems then never heard from him again.
Dreamliner still spews nonsense under a different name. He's moved on from made up dietary and physical fitness advice to other whacked out theories.
There is a search feature at the top where you can click on the magnifying glass, type in a username and see the last time and what they posted. If you get an error message, the username is not registered currently
Looks like the last time he/she posted was 9/8/19. Only one other post appeared in 2019 and none in 2018.
Swamp_Monkey posted 'RIP Jaggator' on 7/28/14. Anyone know how old he/she was and if they really did pass? I saw a post from Jaggator that indicated he/she was from Jax.
Not necessarily. They may still be registered but just have no posts since the last time the forums were curated to save server space. GatorGrowl does that every few years.
He was a contrarian, even on fitness. Sodium wasn’t bad for you among other things. He posts now as Duggarsdad, and spends his time defending Russia and Putin.
That's him? Lol... he's pretty out there with his theories, but I think he's just there (Too Hot) to irritate certain people. Lol.
If my fading memory bank is not on the fritz today, I believe Worm claimed to be a Gator and a Va Tech Hokie. {{{loud buzzer sound}}} Pick one “If you ain't a Gator, ya Gator bait, baby" He a Hokie! I tangled with him more than once about THBC. Just another reason why he’s not a Gator, imho.
I would bet the ranch that Wormwood and GatorMAJ were the same individual. MAJ was here for a long time then he abruptly disappeared. All I remember about him is that he was somehow military, either retired or active and he has some type of tie to Virginia Tech. Maybe one of his kids went there. When SOS went to USCe he would get into sparring matches with other posters about Spurrier and his record among other things. Some would remember that he presented boatloads of data points and tables, being incredibly detailed in his discussion of his facts. I think that he got on the nerves of many posters on these forums. MAJ seemingly disappeared into thin air after that. Then came Wormwood years later with the exact same MO as MAJ, making the same arguments, using extensive detail in his presentation, rubbing people the wrong way in the same manner as before. Whatever happened to Rawpimple?
Perhaps we should give him/her a pass because our Hokie basketball transfers have made a real impact both at Florida and the NBA (for DFS). Points by a Transfer (Single Season) 1. Dorian Finney-Smith 2015-16 Virginia Tech 530 2. Jalen Hudson 2017-18 Virginia Tech 528
His takes on fitness were as contrarian and rigid as all of his takes. He's not interested in discussion in any way
I usually remember things well but I can't recall if Wormwood and Maj coexisted here or not. They did post in similar fashion and it wouldn't shock me if they were one in the same.