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Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by scrappygator, Jun 5, 2022.

  1. scrappygator

    scrappygator VIP Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    To me, this is one of CTW’s best coaching years.
    He took a flawed team, and helped it overachieve. Anyone who thought we would make the WCWS A month ago was delusional.
    I really believe that Coach Walton took on all three parts of coaching the team down the stretch. At the World Series, not so much.
    He willed this team into the postseason.
    We got a favorable draw in the regional and won that. Going to Virginia Tech was formidable. The best thing that happened to us, was that they beat us six to nothing in the first game. That gave them some false confidence. When we came back from two to one in the second game and won 7-2, it took their confidence. They started the third game very tight, and committed errors that they had not been committing all year. We took names.
    Going into the WCWS we had a high level of confidence. We rode that into the victory over Oregon State.
    What changed against Oklahoma State? Being stupid, and pitching to Julia. Julia had caught Nat for two years and knew her stuff. As a friend of mine said, we should’ve plunked her in the side the first pitch and said not tonight Julia.
    That was a lack of thinking and coaching by the staff. I do not know what they were thinking. She beat us by herself. You know she was gloating inside.
    We let them off in the first inning, and never really threatened after that.
    On today. Even with the walks, we had a chance all day until the sixth.
    Our bats where freezing cold. When Katie made that amazing catch I thought we were on our way. It never moved the needle.
    We can talk about all the negative that went on this year. But, this team overachieved. The hitting was atrocious, the pitching was suspect, but somehow we pulled it out and made it to the WCWS, when no one thought we would.
    I am proud of these ladies, and look forward to what they will do next.
    The ones I feel for, are the ones who will not be back.
    The end of the game was the most confusing to me.
    We had ridden Nat for two games, and now brought her back in very tired.
    When UCLA started scoring runs in the sixth inning, it was over.
    To me, and others around me, we wondered why he did not bring Nat out to appreciative applause for her career at Florida.
    He could’ve brought in Marissa and given her the chance to say that she had pitched in the women’s college World Series, and we could’ve given Nat the appreciate applause that she deserved.
    Then, he brings Chey out for her applause. I think that was wonderful and well deserved.
    Why, did he not after the next pitch bring Hannah out for her well-deserved accolades?
    To me, the coach who generally plays everything right, blew it. I am sure if he had it to do over again, he would do it differently. But there are no do overs, and five year careers were not acknowledged.
    Honestly, I am pleased with this team and their success.
    I have great anticipation for our next version of gator softball. We have a great young nucleus, and are bringing in two more that should help us.
    I would love to see us get A stud pitcher in the portal, and a power hitter. We have no one who scares anybody with their power.
    I would also like to find another hitting coach who would teach our players situational hitting. I am afraid that our current coach is not who we need. The pitching coach could also be replaced. I hope CTW has the fortitude to do this.
    I am sorry to have rambled on, but even after all this, I am very optimistic about this program. If CTW will make the right calls, and with the recruits we have coming in the next two years. Florida softball will thrive.
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  2. scrappygator

    scrappygator VIP Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    Here I am replying to my own thread. But, I would be remiss if I did not talk about the player’s families.
    Myself, @sandman70, and @notexgator were privileged to be among Them at the regional in Gainesville, the super regional in Blacksburg, and the WCWS in Oklahoma City.
    They are the most passionate, caring, and supportive of Gator Softball that you will ever imagine. They are fun people to be with, and bleed orange blue to the max.
    What you see on the field with our players are backed up by some fabulous and dedicated people. If you see them, give them props.
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  3. number1

    number1 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 9, 2011
    Wish we could steal Oklahoma's hitting coach to pay them back for taking our pitching coach. lol
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  4. scrappygator

    scrappygator VIP Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    Unfortunately, that is Patti’s son.
  5. notexgator

    notexgator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Scrappy you hit the nail on the head perfectly. Hopefully the 3 game Anonaomly of hitting does not make Tim forget 3 years of bad offense against good pitching. We kill average pitching and struggle mightly against better pitching. The UCLA pitcher was yanked after 1.2 innings against TX. I live in total fear that Tim is becoming Mullen 2.0 as respects his best friend/hitting coach.
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  6. phideltdj

    phideltdj GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 7, 2007
    Just a quick note I asked my daughter that plays a college sport if as a senior in her last game if she would want her coach to pull her out of the game for a round of appreciative applause from the fans and she said no way...I want to finish on the field with the rest of my team.
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  7. johnny_cakes

    johnny_cakes GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 2, 2017
    KSP Stadium
    There's no way of knowing, but I think CTW was waiting for something decent (like even a strike call) to go Nat's way so she could come out on a high note. After Chey came out to her deserved round of applause, Nat didn't really have an "up" moment so she could leave the game on a high note. And the game ending early with a run rule didn't help. When Kelly Barnhill came out for the last time at the WCWS after giving up a home run, CTW later put her back in at the very end, with a two strike count, just so she could finish her career on an up note. I definitely agree with you that Nat should have had her chance for appreciative applause and I bet CTW agrees as well.
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  8. OklahomaGator

    OklahomaGator Jedi Administrator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I don't think CTW was expecting to get run ruled in the sixth and hoped for another inning.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  9. msa3

    msa3 Premium Member

    Jan 4, 2013
    After taking the night to think about it, scrappy, I disagree with your premise. This was a crappy year that got perfumed over by a choking VT team -- an error not he first play, and a collision that led to our first run -- and a ace-less, freshman-laiden Oregon State team. We didn't win either the SEC or the tourney -- we didn't even make the finals IN GAINESVILLE. We got an easy regional, but didn't host a Super for the first time in forever. And in our last two games we were shutout, and run-ruled in our last game.

    We ranked 174th in HRs per game and 40th in scoring. 18th in batting average and 32nd in ERA. Our team was built on defense (4th in FP) and yet when it mattered most, our defense let us down -- the bunt-scores by Okie State and the errors at short and catcher against UCLA. This was a team with 13 upperclassmen -- five of them starters.

    If you're UTChatanooga, it's a fine, great year. But that's not who or what this program has been, and we shouldn't gloss that over.

    eta: crappy was an unfortunate word choice. Any season that ends in OKC is a good season. I’ll leave it up to take my beating, but it was a good season and I’m an ass for suggesting it wasn’t.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2022
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  10. BigIgator25

    BigIgator25 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 6, 2012
    without a doubt great coaching job, but he needs to cut ties with at least one coach.
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  11. jdgator

    jdgator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    A crappy year.......?
    We made the COLLEGE WORLD SERIES and were the only SEC team to do so. We have two huge recruiting classes coming in over next two year. If Tim Walton were a female I think your opinion would be different, however thank you for your consistency.
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  12. hoyt233

    hoyt233 GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 31, 2009
    Prattvile, AL-Go Lions!
    That's the kind of crap post you get from someone who hangs out in THFSG.
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  13. msa3

    msa3 Premium Member

    Jan 4, 2013
    You know, at some point that comment just becomes insulting and stupid. I'm consistent in holding all coaches responsible for not only success, but for maintaining successes. While I think women should coach women, and when openings occur, women candidates should be given preference over male candidates for a plethora of reasons, including experience playing the game they would be coaching, the male coaches I've criticized have flat out sucked. I've never called for Walton's job or his firing, nor have I said he's a bad coach. EVER. So get off your MRA/aggrieved incell paranoia and actually try reading from time to time instead of perpetually fearing some woman is coming for your stuff.

    We're a team that's EXPECTED to reach the WCWS. That's the status of the program. Were you thrilled with Mullen's NY6 appearances? White's string of first-round wins? Or do you expect a little bit more? UF has played softball for 27 years -- they've made the WCWS 11 of those. It's the standard for the position. This was the first time in those 11 appearances that we've been shut out in our two losses.

    The only reason anyone is satisfied with this appearance is because the rest of the year was so bad.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2022
  14. number1

    number1 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 9, 2011
    My statement still stands. lol
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  15. number1

    number1 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 9, 2011
    Of course, it isn't the standard that was set years ago, but they still did what needed to be done to reach the WCWS. The game has grown so much to where nothing is guaranteed anymore. You have programs like Duke and Clemson that jumped hot on the scene while others are also improving. Just look how many of the top 8 national seeds failed to reach the WCWS. It is much harder to reach OKC than it has ever been due to the parity across the nation. Them reaching OKC is definitely something that should be celebrated and not taken for granted. This just wasn't their year to win it. You don't think Arkansas (the SEC regular season and tournament champs) would have liked to trade a few wins during the season if it meant they made it to OKC? How about Alabama who also had a great season but had it end in the regionals?
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  16. scrappygator

    scrappygator VIP Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    Thank you for teaching me the word plethora, it means a lot.
    • Funny Funny x 6
  17. msa3

    msa3 Premium Member

    Jan 4, 2013
    Yes, and they were all disappointed. But does the fact that they were disappointed change anything about our season?

    I've said it was a great ending. It was. Lots of fun, grateful for another week of cheering. But the ending doesn't undo everything else, nor does it demand we overlook apparent and ongoing flaws.
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  18. apkgator

    apkgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    You conveniently ignore the injuries to Goddard, Adams, and Hightower, and the mid term transfer of Cottrill.....and how that impacted the season. Few teams could survive that, to reach the CWS in a year where so many things bounced wrong is incredible.
    The entitlement of UF fans is sometimes astounding.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  19. msa3

    msa3 Premium Member

    Jan 4, 2013
    So you think we're in great shape for the future? No reason to be concerned with hitting or pitching, or anything? We're just a few less injuries away from a title is your contention?
  20. apkgator

    apkgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Absolutely. Have you got any remote idea of the recruits lined up in the next 3 classes? They look to be the most talented teams UF has ever had. Next year would ideally add a portal arm to replace Lugo, but the overall program is in phenomenal position......every field position has a quality player.
    Just look at the next class.....UF has the top 3 recruits in the country. Rothrock has been called the Lebron of softball. Just read an article calling Mia Williams the ARod of softball. Ava Brown has better stats than Rothrock playing in Texas. Oh, and then throw in 3 more border top 10 recruits. Add that to Pollard, Roe, Walsh, Falby, Delbry, Kistler, Goelz, Decker, and maybe Wallace. Potential thru the roof. Not sure what more youcould want at this juncture
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