Florida has a gdp of 1.4 trillion while Tennessees is only 476 billion. It just goes to show you Florida is better. All Tennessee has is Jack Daniels Whiskey, FedEx and Dolly Parton.
It also has the Oak Ridge, The Nuclear City and home of Oak Ridge National Lab which houses 1 of the two oldest nuclear power plants in the nation. Oh, and this..... I worked in X-10, not Y-12.
I like to rib UT but the state itself isn’t bad. Tennessee actually has a higher GDP per capita than Florida. Not sure what is driving that.
Florida has the Citrus industry, Universal and Disney, lots of companies headquarted in Florida, and the heavy tourism industry. Sorry, Florida has Tennessee beat in economic category too.
Florida has great beaches and colleges but is basically a strip mall after that. Tennessee has amazing mountains, waterfalls, rivers and valleys, but has a shitty college football team, bad dental care, and is nowhere near a beach. Still, I like them both.
Lol...that's bonus. All kidding aside I'm sure other states could find these kinds of clowns in their states.
Funny how some of you equate GDP with quality of life … until anything having to do with DeSantis is brought into play.