I’m guessing the list attempted to compile all the bans. That was my immediate assumption, I never thought these bans were “statewide” as that is not how the law worked. The law is designed to muck up the system by making it easier for parents to seek out book bans, and for “parents rights” groups to override professional librarians as far as what is shelved. In some cases maybe with a majority of the local population, in some cases without, but in either case I think completely stupid to have “popular will” micromanaging. Let the librarians do their jobs! The USA Today fact check has no facts. That being said, the “list” is also missing citations and isn’t very useful without them. That doesn’t make it “fake” if all the books were banned or contemplated bans on one county or another. To be reliable it should track where the bans are attempted, which ones are in place, which ones rescinded, etc.
I know at one point Huckleberry Finn was banned in certain school districts in Mississippi and Alabama because of the N word. Never mind the whole point of the book.. focus on the one offensive word. Where are all the post calling for the OP to be better? Do better research? He should have know ? I proudly own most of the books listed in the OP … and my children and grandchildren have read many of them. In my home. With me explaining the significance. I prefer that over in a classroom setting where the delicate tap dance of “can’t offend anyone” has to be danced. And honestly, most teachers today don’t have the time, knowledge or skill set to do that dance and actually make something of the lesson these books have to offer.
Intimigator's observation was a far cry from bigotry, but I can see why the MAGA cult would consider any criticism of their idol as "bigotry". Many way out there on the far right love to refer to even moderate liberals as "socialists" (even as they completely misuse the term) yet get bent out of shape when they're fairly accurately referred to as "fascists".
I am guessing it is because the n-word is used and it is a children's book. Probably banned from some elementary schools. “The problem wasn't the story or the art, but the fact that I had included the n-word in a book for children. The most common concern was that kids would read the word, then decide to start using the word themselves.” Matt Tavares Books: Banned Books Week and Henry Aaron's Dream
That’s a good question. What if a kid reads the book with it and repeats the N word? What should happen to them? Or they do a book report and stand up in front of the class and teacher and say the N word while reading from the book for their report? Society has demonized the word to the point it should not be allowed to be said in any context by anyone. Look. My favorite baseball player of all time is Roberto Clemente and my favorite athlete is Jessie Owens. My favorite male actor at this time is Morgan Freeman. My granddaughter is biracial and I grew up with black friends starting at age 5. I had a black girlfriend in HS. I’m about as white as they come. Florida cracker and redneck. I think banning certain books in schools is ok as long as they are available at the local library. I don’t think books with the N word should be allowed in our schools. If anyone thinks differently that’s ok as we all are not going to agree on everything. My 2 cents
I say no. At the same time I can understand a school district not wanting it in elementary schools. Tough call.
Here are some other books that have been banned by one side or the other. Controversial Books - Find Out Why Famous Novels Were Banned
uh oh...flgator2 continues his flirting with me again. I thought your messages to me years ago were just being funny until that one where you asked for a hookup. Get over it..I am straight! Go find a dude that gets off on your depressing backward repetive boring mantra.
Not if the intent is to enflame and get quoted by those easily enflamed. Sad part about the interwebs. Anybody can publish anything.
Some of the banning was in other countries. I read Lady Chatterly’s Lover in kindergarten. Interesting book. I am still trying to figure it out.
And the OP link states that. It is accurate. Apparently there is a FB post that says there is a statewide ban. I don’t know. But there are plenty of district issues and some school specific. And even where there is nothing official, teachers and librarians are self censoring for fear of their jobs, peace of mind and personal safety. The Moms for Liberty/MAGA types are racist, crazy and dangerous.
If it was pulled for having the N word, it wasn’t by the MAGA/Moms for Liberty types. That would make them like it more and list it as required reading.
Last I saw, Florida is #2 in the country in banned books behind Texas. And that's because of a law Ron DeSantis championed and the Moms for Tyranny. Christian nationalism is an ugly ideology.