I didn’t watch this debate, nor do I have a dog in the fight, but I like your point. Being a good debater isn’t the same thing as being a good leader. The same with being skilled at getting elected. Trump got elected president, which definitely requires abilities, but that he got elected isn’t exactly strong evidence that would be a good president. So, bragging about favorable polls or debate performances is like bragging about a thermostat setting, when what really matters is the temperature in the room.
Self-made? Once again quoting the philosopher John McEnroe "you cannot be serious". Herschel Walker’s business record reveals creditor lawsuits, exaggerated claims Given Herschel credit where credit is due, he was a very gifted athlete who managed to parlay his athletic career into a series of post-football grifts.
One more point on this, but PA is a quirky state, gritty but in different ways on the state’s two sides. The western part of the state might as well be Appalachia in a lot of ways and has that natural “work hard or fail” toughness, the eastern part you would think has a Northeast liberal vibe but their self view is working class tough. Think Philly fans. So how this debate was received by voters might be different than how non residents saw in it, good or bad. If they saw Fetterman as weak, he will lose, if they saw him as a guy who fought through a stroke, he will likely win. That why if I were the Dems there, I would lean into the stroke and take that issue away, and play to the grit of the state. Point out how hard he’s fought to overcome it, what that means for his tenacity etc. not sure why they are letting everyone else define that for him.
It's like a job interview. Sometimes you hire the one that was a little uncomfortable over the polished interviewee because you know which one will actually do the better job.
If you think Democrats aren't going to vote out of concern for Fetterman, I have oceanfront property in Nebraska to sell you. It's Independents who are more likely to be affected and swayed. Ironically, this likely helps him in Pennsylvania.
yah self made. have you heard about his story and work ethic. fetterman lived off his parents into his 40's
Libbies don’t respect self made people. He didn’t do that. Lol, Hershel couldn’t have done anything without big university of GA govt. They really prefer the career government workers over anyone who can overcome obstacles on their own. It’s mind-boggling.
I have. He lied about the size and breadth of his business constantly. Did you believe the stories that he told you about his businesses? Herschel Walker Claims to Own Companies That Don’t Exist
City, see this is where I lose respect for you liberals. We’re talking about Fetterman’s embarrassing performance and you want to defer to Herschel. What, you couldn’t think of a way to trash Trump or blame him for Fetterman’s disaster? I’m no Herschel fan but I’m not sure who the least worst of two evils we are getting in that Senate race.
Typical MAGA bully tactics, nothing new to see here. Oz may win, but the fact that it’s going to be a tight race against a man who suffered a stroke is a bad look on Oz. If Fetterman was not impaired due to no fault of his own, this would be a laughable blow out in his favor. Oz is an awful candidate.
I don't know anything about his businesses. I know he is an American success story and will vote conservatively.
Hmm, strange that you are trying to sell him as a "self-made man" and know nothing about his businesses, when you specifically talked about "his story," especially. So you think being a decent professional RB is a qualification for election to political office?
Emphasis on, “and will vote conservatively”. This country can’t afford many more far left liberal ideas and governance. The midterms will confirm that.
As a reminder, the Republican Party doesn't even currently have a platform. So "will vote conservatively" is a pretty empty statement (which is why you immediately switched to opposition to others' ideas rather than emphasizing his ideas).
While conceding that Fetterman received financial assistance from his parents, if that is a disqualification from holding political office how about this guy? https://www.salon.com/2016/10/06/do...dy-how-trump-blew-through-millions-before-35/ How Donald Trump's father once bailed out his casino Fred Trump Helps Bail Out Son: Donald...
So with all of the problems this country is facing domestically and internationally, this is the issue that will decide your vote and the vote of many educated women? It makes me wonder if the Supreme Court had done the dishonest thing and postponed the reversal of Roe vs. Wade until after the midterms, ala Biden asking the Saudis to delay price increases until after the midterms, what would liberal democrats have focused their platform on? They have nothing left but abortion.