I know he was lying through his teeth with the questions about being in California in 2019 and explaining that he knew Covid was going to hit and that's why he didn't travel to California in 2019. Again, it's amazing how lawyers buckle under pressure when put on the stand if they are guilty.
I agree that the prosecutor’s alleged misconduct has nothing to do whether or not Trump broke the law. But you’re changing your argument. You said a man would also not be asked the same questions. I immediately pointed out that the man was asked the same questions. Prosecutorial misconduct has resulted in guilty people going free. She doesn’t need to be the one to prosecute this case if her decision making has not been entirely above board. That’s the game. If she did what the defense is accusing her of, then she knowingly violated the ethical boundaries of her profession and endangered this case against Trump. That should piss you off, not make you want to circle the wagons around her.
I’m sure this has nothing to do with election interference, being that Fulton county voted 73% Biden in 2020. This is just a big misunderstanding, that’s all.
I am not normally into the ad hominem stuff, but in your case I will make an exception. If you truly believe this individual is acting out true concern for protecting election integrity, then you are little more than an intellectual lightweight. Pretty much describes most of the left...Go back under your rock!!!
It appears she did try to get Roy Barnes who is a former Governor and outstanding attorney to be lead prosecutor but he turned her down.
Time for a little levity: No matter whether you think the Willis/Wade hearing has merit or not, you just have to laugh at Willis wearing her dress backwards to court on Thursday. To quote Larry the Cable Guy, "That's funny, right there. I don't care who you are." Maybe even funnier are people claiming she was wearing the "front-zip" version of it, as if the the Pee-Wee Herman "I meant to do that" defense somehow makes her look less stupid. Compare the front neckline of the dress on Willis to the neckline of the dress as it's shown in its sales ad. She's definitely got it on backwards.
Except would a man be asked about his handling of cash? No, he wouldn’t. It’s those types of things that piss me off. Most women have been told to always have some cash on them JUST IN CASE. It’s interesting that one of the “witnesses” against her was a disgruntled employee that got fired. At the end of the day we are both looking at this through different lenses
This. Scumbags see this either as an affront to their cult or someone too uppity to have their job. Everyone else sees this as a lame attempt to tank this case and to put a black woman back "in her place."
I would say coming to his defense every time there is an adverse decision in one of his court cases or for that matter defending him no matter what he does is more of an indication that he is occupying space in one's head albeit for the opposite reason. The compulsion to defend the defeated indicted former president is the real form of Trump Derangement Syndrome.