Congrats to Defede for not letting her wiggle out of taking credit for money coming to South Florida after she voted against it. Starts at about 15:50 in the video. Facing South Florida for Jan. 28: One-on-One with Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar - CBS Miami ( She kept saying she would have to ask her staff about whether or not she voted against the bills he brought up, but still wanted to brag about the money she brought to her constituents.
She's not the first Republican to take credit for the benefits of legislation that she opposed and she certainly won't be the last. Going back over 10 years I recall Republicans taking credit for projects funded under Obama's American Recovery Act even though every Republican in the House and the Senate voted against it and it's been the same with Republicans who voted against Biden's Infrastructure Act and the Chips and Science Act. Glad to see that at least some in the media are calling them out for it and hopefully the Democrats will make it a large part of the 2024 campaign. ICYMI: Congressional Republicans Take Credit for Projects Funded by President Biden's CHIPS and Science Act, Which They Voted Against | The American Presidency Project Republicans cheer spending from bill they opposed — again House Republicans promote elements of infrastructure package they voted against
All politicians do it!!! Go back to Clinton taking credit for balancing the budget and we all know that the Gingrich led house and the contract with America was the spending catalyst to balance the budget. Clinton does get credit for being pragmatic enough to pivot and be a part of it rather than fight it.
This is not even close to being a close equivalence. You see, she literally had nothing to do with the passage of the bill she now touts as bringing in funds to her district, except for opposing it, while Clinton definitely "pivoted, and was a part of it", the difference being what anybody can see: a HUGE one! Plus, she downright lied about something that is verifiably false. False equivalencies are attempts to equate a run of the mill, very modest stretching of the truth with outright lies, malevolence, and other despicable words and actions, all in an effort to normalize them.
You have a rather selective memory. Throughout the 1992 presidential campaign Bill Clinton promised to balance the budget citing his experience as governor of Arkansas in balancing the state budget multiple times and after he took office he proposed a tax increase (relatively small by the way) to increase revenue as part of his goal to balance the budget and it was probably the most significant factor in costing the Democrats their majorities in both the House and Senate in the 1994 midterms. THE BUDGET STRUGGLE; HOUSE PASSES BUDGET PLAN, BACKING CLINTON BY 218-216 AFTER HECTIC MANEUVERING (Published 1993) Clinton Address Before a Joint Session of Congress on Administration Goals (1993) | The American Presidency Project
I thought she was gonna say something to the effect of that she supported that specific funding but there was something else in the bill she couldn't support. Seems like that would have at least been a legitimate rebuttal.
That was all revenue side. As a percentage of GDP, spending may have gone down a little, but it was higher tax revenue from a booming economy that balanced the budget. In dollars, spending went up every year under Gingrich and the GOP House even after adjusting for inflation.
Point of order, the 1993 omnibus bill that got the ball rolling toward a balanced budget passed with zero Republican votes.
A bunch of dems voted against it also and a balanced budget wasn't actually reached until 1998. The dems controlled the house for only 93 and 94. I think it is safe to say though, that most of the elected officials from the 90's from both sides were quite a bit better at running the country then what we have now!!
This is partially true. A big engine was tax growth caused by the explosion of dot com money. Gingrich did slow down the growth of government expenditures but the dot com boom was a big factor.
Saw that Biden is getting heat from Dems because a large share of the money is going to Red districts. Haven't really seen the split, but I'm glad it isn't being sent just to Blue and Purple states.
It’s almost like we have an adult government that sends the money where it is needed and not just to its friends.