So, how much we talking that we need to pay up? Based on the 2023-2024 salaries, he was 42nd highest at $3M and got a $1M bump last year, as I recall. Again, based on the year before, that would have placed him at 17th. $4.5M puts in the Nate Oats range at 10th and $5M in the Dan Hurly range at 7th. I'd say give him another $500,000. I think Hubert Davis only made $2.6M in 2023 (UNC went cheap).
Pay him market rates +, but I also wonder/worry what the title ix investigation did for his tenure here. I'm not suggesting anything. I think it just as likely that he loves it in Gainesville even more, as it is that the whole thing left a bad taste in his mouth. I'm just saying that it was a needle mover. We don't know which way...
he’s already getting market rate, especially for his experience level. I want you to put a $ figure to your answer
Well, hope for a strong UNC run down the stretch. Helps the Gators' rpi and increases Hubie's chances of being retained. Either way, I'm not really worried. CTG knows he's got something special going here.
Yeah - I don't know. Top 10 seems like a good place to start. So closer to $5m/year seems right. But my point was it isn't always about only the dollars. How much love and support is he feeling here right now? We don't know that answer but it could be a whole lot or very, very little.
I don't really worry about Stricklin getting an extension done for Golden... mostly I just worry that he keeps extending other personnel that should be shown the door.
Extend TG, 6 million, making him top 3 coach. He imo has proven himself. Do before others come calling.
I'm really excited about CTG's ability to adjust throughout a game and the season. Teams have been overplaying us on the perimeter, so lately we've gone to using back cutting a lot. I love that because we either get layups or they have to respect the cuts and we get more room to operate on the perimeter. I love that he used the press to come back vs USC and has now integrated it into our games. I love that he has learned to lengthen the bench LATER in the season (though, mostly triggered by injuries). But that most coaches end up shrinking their bench as the season goes one. He realized now that our bench is a huge advantage we have on most teams. Even though I don't enjoy sluggish first halves, I love that we've become a dominant second half team. That's all about depth, physical conditioning and in-game adjustments. Now if he pull a surprise zone defensive set out of his pocked, I'll be floored!