Let's not jump to too many conclusions yet. But if the aide testified to seeing something at a specific time and the time stamp on the video shows him in entirely different part of the building or different building, I think that is fairly compelling. Now could either of the video footages be doctored to show a different time stamp, yes, they could, but on the face of this it requires to be looked into. Especially if his testimony is what collaborated the story and put these guys in prison. If this proves to be fake, then not a whole more of investigation needs to happen IMO. The problem here is getting to the real truth of what all happened that day. Just about anyone looking into it will have an agenda and half of us will believe it or not based on the bias we each have. I don't know how it could be done, but a total independent look would help heal this country.
"Republican judges".. lol…you show how naive you are. Federal judges rarely side against government prosecutors. Most of them are establishment types. 90% of the time it has nothing to do with political leanings. If Federal judges began to regularly attack government prosecutors, that would shake up the entire system and we wouldn't want that. I'm not saying it never happens, but it is quite rare and generally speaking, federal prosecutors are given wide latitude in federal court. Which is part of the reason they have such high conviction rates.
"The sentencings by the 15 judges appointed by Democratic presidents are not much different from the nine appointed by Republicans. Those appointed by Democrats have imposed jail or prison sentences in 65 percent of the cases, compared with 63 percent of cases sentenced by Republican appointees" https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/01/05/january-6-riot-sentences/
Who said anything about prosecution?!?! Forget prosecution, it is absolutely mind-blowing that you people cheer what took place in January 6, and when not cheering, engage in every semblance of mental gymnastics to excuse the behavior. My goodness, THIS IS YOUR COUNTRY!!! How can anyone be cool about what happened?!?!
By whom (or which party) federal judges were appointed by makes very little difference in federal criminal prosecution cases 99.9% of the time. Especially when the defendants have very little to no status in life. The Capitol represents the power center of the country. They're going to come down harshly on any perceived threat, because after all, it's protect Washington at all costs. One could easily argue that's the correct course, even if it is technically illegal and unconstitutional. I would strongly disagree with such ones.
I heard that he also lied about what brand of gum he was chewing. This could get the whole case against Trump thrown out.
And, following up, color me skeptical to yet another claim by the MAGA storytellers that: (a) a lie was told, or (b) the lie was intentional and known to be a lie by the prosecutor, and (c) the lie caused someone to be convicted.
Common sense approach to withhold judgement until we see everything!!! That is really asking a lot for most on this board that jump to their biased conclusion at the mere mention of scoring points against the opposition. And as far as this being my country, you are exactly right. A lot of what went on J6 is was wrong and folks need to pay the penalty, but I also want to know that all the folks, including Trump and any other democrat that may have been involved on the front end. Calling for a march down to the capital is not enough for me to convict Trump, planning the breach another story. Same token planning to allow the breach and encouraging it by to make it appear worse is what I want to know. We have not had anyone look into that.
I'd say there is no plausible way President Trump wanted violence or destruction that day. If he was willing to go that far, why stop there?