Do you realize that NPR's own website said this before they deleted it LOL. So which is it? NPR lying about needing federal funding or it's less than 1%? Some people believe anything I guess...
Twitter could be facing slew of fines in Germany over illegal hate speech Elon Musk’s Twitter could be on the hook for a pipeline of multimillion-dollar penalties for failing to take down illegal hate speech in Germany. Fines could even stack up to billions if the federal government acts on the scores of cases of content moderation inaction that have already been reported to it and German courts confirm the law has been breached. Earlier this week, the federal government announced it was instigating a procedure over suspected systemic failures under the country’s hate speech takedowns law. The law, known colloquially as NetzDG, allows for fines of up to €50 million per case. The federal government is acting on just a handful of tweets out of hundreds that have been reported and collated in a database, per lawyer Chan-jo Jun, the founder and managing partner of the specialist IT law firm, JunIT Rechtsanwälte.
So a link for 2013 and by the way NPR receives less than one percent of its total budget from the Federal government and around a total of 10 percent indirectly and from other government entities. National Public Radio (NPR) - InfluenceWatch - InfluenceWatch NPR’s funding has been a point of controversy since its founding in 1970. NPR is officially a private company, but up until 1983, it received over half of its funding from the federal government through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). In that year, NPR nearly went bankrupt after years of financial mismanagement, and in the subsequent restructuring process, the organization was put under tighter controls by the CPB in exchange for loans. From the late 1980s, NPR generated increasing amounts of its revenue from charitable donations and licensing fees, though a significant portion of the fees come from private local stations which receive funding from CPB and state and local governments. Presently, NPR receives funding for less than 1% of its budget directly from the federal government, but receives almost 10% of its budget from federal, state, and local governments indirectly. 2 Should be rather obvious that branding NPR as "state media" was an attempt by Musk to discredit a source critical that on occasion put him in a negative light.
The man who has greatly enriched himself from government subsidies and controls a social media platform as a result, now calls for the defunding of "government subsidized" NPR. Makes sense.
all the Musk lovers fail to recognize that it was gubmnt subsidies that kept both Tesla and spacex alive. without them Musk would have went bankrupt a long time ago
PBS has reportedly suspended its tweets but leaving the door open. Part of me isn't sure why it's such a big deal to note that they receive public funds. But I guess the implication is that it's equivalent to state run media in China and Russia, which obviously isn't the same. Didn't Tesla receive government subsidies? Does that make it "government-funded"?
Musk can do whatever he wants, obviously, its his company. He's just being a troll and targeting left leaning stuff to get a rise.
Right. And which of the CEOs also own a leading SM outlet where they openly and personally rail against goverment subsidies?
I do think a large part of this is to just drive views, but I also think he's drinking his own poison here.