1000 is still limiting free speech. He needs to go unlimited. Limits on free speech are limits on free speech. I’m curious, though, can you give an example of a tweet that was so important that it saved America from tyranny?
The only reason Musk is preemptively going after Apple is because when he puts in the subscription service to start making money, the first year Apple will get a 30% cut of it (Google will get 15%) and in the second and subsequent years, both will get 15% cuts. This is an even bigger annoyance to him now that half of Twitter's advertisers have dumped him and he's begging them to come back. So of the 90% of profit that Twitter saw last year that came from advertisers, it is now half of what it was and he has to make it up in subscription fees. He's pissy that Apple will get such a large portion of it. Like he thinks he's the only one who has to pay it. Guy must be new to this stuff. And it would take years, probably a decade, for him to make a phone and then actually get it to a level that is halfway competitive with Apple and Samsung's (leading Android maker) market share. It took Xiaomi (China's leading brand) 10 years to crack 10% market share (and that is largely China only) where Apple and Samsung sit atop at roughly 28% each. Samsung ships 240 million phones a year, most in the world. Musk has shipped 0.
You think Musk's tweets have saved America from Tyranny? I.e., if he didn't make the tweet, America would have already slipped into tyranny? Can you link one of those tweets, so I can see what you are talking about?
Well, of course, I am not psychic and don't know which individual tweets actually saved us from tyranny, but if you want to read his tweets, I've linked his Twitter in this thread several times. Perhaps you can read his tweets and tell us why you don't think he's saving us from tyranny.
Because I don't think twitter saves us from tyranny, which is defined as a cruel and abusive government. At best, twitter may have changed their own moderation policy after musk bought it, but that has nothing to do with government...
I've asked you to give me examples of how ... Still waiting... I'm giving you an opportunity to Prove your point.
Didn't Epic Games (Fortnite) lose to Apple in court over that 30% cut? Read somewhere that Apple gets 70% of its app revenue from gaming apps.
Are there people who seriously think that it does? How many governments has Twitter toppled? Twitter complies with all the laws of the governments in the countries in which it operates. Of course the dumbest people think tyranny is not being able to misgender someone or use a racial slur online or something.
Something to keep in mind, while ockeechobee is most definitely not a troll, he does engage in trolling behavior.
Then why'd you even respond to my post with "many of Musk's tweets already could fall into this category" ... and that category being a "tweet that was so important that it saved America from tyranny" ... Geeez ... you'd think if had "many" tweets that so powerful that they literally prevented the government from becoming "cruel and abusive" you could at least give me one example ... I'm starting to think you might be making things up ...