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Elon Cleaning House

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by gatormonk, Oct 27, 2022.


    PITBOSS GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 13, 2007
    Did you just really post that?! “It takes one to know one”?!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. bigDgator

    bigDgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Yes being upset over possibly losing a 44 billion dollar investment is being a drama queen, you nailed it. Good job sir.
  3. bigDgator

    bigDgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Trump underestimated a task = Trump is a victim??

    The leaps here are amazing. You have your talking points and tropes you are damn sure gonna use them.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Again…. Musk is the victim, here… no one made him make bad decision after bad decision….

    I said he might be being a drama queen here because I don’t really think a company with 5 billion in revenue is going to fail in 7 days… he just needs to get his head out of his ass and hire a CEO to run Twitter who knows how to restore the ad revenue.
    • Winner Winner x 1

    PITBOSS GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 13, 2007
    great point.
    Elon obviously has extraordinary accomplishments. Which makes it more difficult to grasp the misfires he has made at twitter. From the very start with his offer of $44B
  6. bigDgator

    bigDgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    That's not what you said. If you are going to be dishonest there is no need to have a discussion. Don't soften your stance just because you were catering to the usual suspects on this board.

    Also I love the business advice on THFSG. Someone be sure to link Elon to this thread so he can do the right thing. LOL
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dang, if you are so upset that someone on the internet said Elon Musk is being a drama queen I don’t know how you can function in life. That hardly even moves the needle when it comes to mean things said on the internet.

    FWIW, if you reread the post, I was actually given him the benefit of doubt that maybe he didn’t really tank his $44 Billion purchase in just 7 days, and was just being a drama queen… that’s my opinion … but if you prefer to believe that he really did just piss away $44 billion with a overpriced purchase and a horrendous vision for the company’s future that he solely implemented himself, then don’t be surprised when people on the internet make fun of him and second guess his choices.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. obgator

    obgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Honestly, he needs to be listening to somebody that will tell him no. As pointed out, either the drama queen accusation is accurate or he just set fire to $44 billion in perhaps the most spectacular fashion possible. Because if he is being accurate about it, this is a historic failure from a business perspective.

    I actually tend to lean a bit that direction. With the collaose of Tesla's stock price combined with the constant stream of mistakes and the destabilizing of the platform, there are numerous places where the cascade to failure could start. Will they? Who knows. But the risk that they will is making the ridiculous premium he paid look even more ridiculous. At this stage, the only winners are Twitter's old shareholders that exited with a big chunk of change from a company that was never going to make them money.
  10. G8R92

    G8R92 GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 5, 2010
    He has $13B from outside investors and is on the hook for $1B in interest annually. Company is worth less than half of what he paid for it so he's really leveraged on this one.
  11. Sohogator

    Sohogator GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 22, 2012
    Wkatshappening to Tesla thtoughout this twit fiasco is hilarious. It’s down10%as the rest of the market celebrates the absence of a red wave. Hyundai might end up acquiring them at this rate.
  12. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Informative Informative x 2
  13. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. G8R92

    G8R92 GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 5, 2010
    Musk dumping shares to pay for his purchase is draining the stock value. Besides, the share price and market cap never made any sense. Toyota outsells Tesla by 10x yet Tesla is worth 3x more??
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    He also apparently believed (and STILL believes!) Trump, one of the most vile and corrupt Americans, actually intended to “drain the swamp” … lol

    I guess there is some unintentional parallel there, both guys wanted to basically blow shit up without thinking through the consequences. But I really think this is for very different reasons. Musk seems to be an idealist, his line on Twitter users: a “neuron doesn’t know it’s a neuron”, so he may really believe allowing “anything goes” on a platform arrives at some higher collective truth. Obviously it goes against all the evidence from other platforms, but I can still buy that Elon is a misguided idealist on that “free speech absolutism” take. Can’t really say that about Trump, he’s just a corrupt lying POS who wanted to be dictator… cutting out the career civil servants in govt is just a path to install corrupt loyalists. That’s it. That’s “drain the swamp”.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
  16. bigDgator

    bigDgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Space X and Tesla have been criticized by people who are much better credentialed than anyone here and we are still waiting for the failures they predicted years ago. If Musk is anything he is a risk taker. I think we have a long way to go before anyone is going to be able to claim him a success or failure in his twitter endeavor.

    I like that he is trying to clean house in order to not be such a completely biased platform and allow more free speech from conservatives rather than just being a liberal echo chamber. I wouldn't bet on him being able to do it, but I wouldn't bet against him either.

    You guys and gals can get back to your regularly scheduled program of biased news links and overreactions.

    Go Gators
    • Like Like x 1
  17. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    Tesla has always been a cult stock where valuation made little sense, but then again so has Amazon typically been…some stocks just get a helluva lot more runway to chase growth over profitability and they just keep reaching new highs detatched from any real profitability metric. To be fair, many tech stocks get looked at through “user” and “engagement” metrics before investors start focusing on revenues, and then finally profitability. Twitter was always sort of stuck at that 2nd phase.

    Tesla did actually get to profitability though, probably faster than most would have thought. That (and their continued technological leadership) probably puts a floor under the stock price even if Elon has to start liquidating his own shares. The bigger issue is if Elon is “distracted” by this Twitter thing who the hell is running Tesla? Guy even brought a bunch of Tesla engineers with him from Tesla to Twitter, so you’d wonder if operationally that will start hurting Tesla eventually.
  18. pkaib01

    pkaib01 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    This one strikes a little too close to home

    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. obgator

    obgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    This is going swimmingly
    • Like Like x 1
  20. mrhansduck

    mrhansduck GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 23, 2021
    I actually like Twitter where we can choose who to follow and to create specific lists for sports, severe weather, politics, or whatever else one is into. The weather feeds are a particularly fast way to get updates and videos during a tornado outbreak, for example. Twitter is just a much better layout to me than FB, which I use almost exclusively to keep in touch with people I know personally.

    I don't claim to understand the social media business model or why advertising can't work on Twitter. Musk thought Twitter was too heavily moderated. He was also concerned about bots. Fair enough. He could have started with those things without creating this circus with the blue check marks. He didn't have to get so partisan or lend credibility to the conspiracy theory about Paul Pelosi when people were on edge before an election.

    I really don't get what he's thinking at all, and I don't think playing around with Twitter is his highest and best use. I read that the boring company has backed off of various projects. He doesn't have to have success with everything he touches, and I'd much rather see him thinking outside of the box to solve problems and improve cars and rockets and so forth. Ultimately, it's his money and he can do what he wants of course (as long as he doesn't get into any regulatory problems).
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
    • Agree Agree x 2