Judas followed Jesus for years. It didn’t make him a disciple, and his close connection to Jesus actually made what he did all the more inexcusable. The same is true for anyone who sits through church service every week but does not do what Jesus has commanded.
That you got a come on man to your post is beyond belief, and shows how thoroughly depraved the MAGA cult is.
I’ve seen enough. I won’t suffer though any unhinged posts jibber jabbering about Jesus and the Bible in an increasingly lunatic arch. I should have just done this when I read that allowing women the RIGHT to vote ushered evil in to the US. This is an ignore two fer…
The Christian part comes first. And then who I vote for follows that. I am not wed to the Republican party. I am also not wed to the Democratic party either.
National Transgender Day of Visibility could be moved to Yom Kippur next year and then Ramadan in 2026. I wonder how that would work out
I believe Biden attends church on a regular basis and I won’t judge if he’s a Christian. But I do only see one of them presenting themselves in Masonic and holy imagery. Trump referring to himself as “the chosen one” and ads depicting him as “a shepherd to mankind” that he propagated. how he “considers it a great badge of courage I am being indicted for you.“.
Uh..er...Because he is a Christian and not obligated to follow the mitzvot of the Jewish covenant? Easter is now National Transgender Day of Visibility And the Easter greeting issued by the White House is not work as much as it is a message of hope, remembrance, and encouragement. It is an exhortation, a prayer, a pledge, a statement of commitment to "work for peace, security, and dignity for all people." Admirable intentions. Now, what was Trump's message of renewal? I didn't see it as it was lost in all the angry hateful and resentful rhetoric he exercised against the people he blames for bringing him to accountability, established by the Rule of Law. As has frequently been said, Karma's a bitch and now Trump's turn is aproaching for him to receive the penalties incurred for his arrogant transgressions. May he soon reap what he has sown, and receive the penalties and punishment he richly deserves.
IMO, this 1 has always been off base. In context it is actually 1 of the few times trump was kinda funny & he certainly did not mean it in any religious way. Here, look. given that BIG GOV Donnie throws so many meatballs, why swing at a rare inside fastball?
I’m feeling cautiously optimistic that Trump’s complete lack of control of himself is going to sway many centrist voters and eventually motivate left lean voters back to the polls. While having Trump out of social media and not in every day news was nice while it lasted, many people forgot about just how completely unhinged he really is. Hopefully another 200 days of this idiocy will convince enough people that they want to be done with this guy.
Another facet of hate projected in a guise of questionable comedy by a "pissed off" self styled "Christian." He's not funny. He's warped.
interesting choice of words he has re trans people …since I see them all the time, in movies, TV, my dreams… Enjoyed hearing him declare himself a “real Christian”.