I am not a recruitnick, but it seems to me that too many folks have invested WAY too much emotion over HS kids who can open their trap and say just about anything and then do the exact opposite. I always say, in just about everything, nothing is done until something is done. That means a signed LOI on the day they say they are going to sign. Otherwise... Until further notice, all I am focusing on is Lagway. If he leaves the "committed" list then we have some damn big problems. And yes, I hope he is able to sway some good O-line prospects to us. Now to this current "crisis". IMO, all you are seeing is the crapfest known as major college football playing out "as designed". At least designed by Chaos. What we are seeing is a fast starter in a race being caught by more "seasoned" runners. Now can the "fast starter" keep it up and reach the finish line in a decently projected order? We shall see. Yes, it is entirely plausible that there are concerns that some coaches are not going to last after the season and this is the result: falling for a coach and not a university. It is what it is. But the alternative is still the most plausible to me: the "heavy hitters" were waiting in the wings for a chance to get their attention and the HS players have been "listening" to them with open....bank accounts? All I can say to the masses here, this is NOT basketball where a single transcendent player can change a meh team into a potential Final Four team. There are WAY too many moving parts for any player that is good that now will not be signed to move the needle much. Too many other choices. And so, we get less press from ESPN on signing day. That is a problem? C'mon, let's try harder.
Seaton, Mincey, and a flip from Smith would go a long way toward keeping people off the ledge lol. Though DL is a big area of concern
When we turn this around, and we will, I hope we score early, often, and keep the foot on the pedal when we play Georgia.
Chicken and egg, gotta get the talent in the door. Finding another Greenard in the portal would be nice.
Gotta keep Amaris I’d be happy adding Boireau back as I think he has great upside. JC and portal will fill in gaps and give us guys that can make an impact hopefully.
I noticed several negative posts from you lately. I hope you're doing okay... being honest and sincere.
I never said otherwise. I made an accurate observation. And I hope he is doing okay... I also owe you no other explanation.
Thanks Rick! Nothing negative about that post. More humor than anything. It’s not always all rainbows & cupcakes. I definitely don’t want/try to be negative. I live in Realville though and call it like I see it.
I know how I feel about this season. It seems like anything funny at this point in the season is par for the course. I did note on one or these tweets above that a running back recruit hinted of something good on coming up. I believe he said that we have no idea what's coming? Paraphrasing. I wonder what that is about. I'll see if I can find it a bring it back so you can see it. Anything positive right now would be great to read. I know I would love to read something positive about recruiting in general. Found it... Our good friend tommyvee posted it.
Yes, that is the one... I will edit it. I'll have to read that passage to see what he may be thinking about.