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Disney You support?

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by Gatoragman, May 31, 2023.

  1. middleoftheroadgator

    middleoftheroadgator All American

    May 19, 2023
    It's pretty hard to admit it to yourself.

    Tell your best friend that you would keep the trans people away from your daughters. Tell us all what your best friend says to that.

    So you were "nice" to some kid at Moe's or Chipotle and you think that makes your OTHER actions/beliefs non-bigoted?
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  2. g8trjax

    g8trjax GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 1, 2007
    99% of these crazies in here probably/hopefully don't have any kids.
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  3. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Well telling him that would be letting my bias harm her. Which i discussed above. He knows where I am on the subject. He was once there himself. She has always been welcome around my kids. She grew up around my kids. She also isn't a hairy grown man in a dress at the door to a costume store at the magic kingdom which is a place very much aimed at magical childish fantasy and entertainment.

    Love is unconditional. My love for him and his daughter are unconditional. That doesnt mean 100% agreement.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. g8trjax

    g8trjax GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 1, 2007
    Yeah, starts out with a guy in a dress, then before you know it...
    • Winner Winner x 2
  5. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    As long as they’re happy…
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2023
  6. UFLawyer

    UFLawyer GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Wow. So much wrong here. Here is an idea: try not to cherry pick 5 words from a 200 word post. I said I have never seen it, nor have I ever heard about it. That is a pretty broad knowledge base, not perfect, but not insignificant. So, in order to put things in context, wouldn’t you have to know more about me and my life experiences? For example….what is my race?
    Further, the example I was responding to was white people purposely avoiding black people. You respond with black loan approval rates, which are not only irrelevant to my point, but the “statistic” you site does not support the conclusion you are alluding to. There are way too many factors in deciding whether to provide a loan or credit card. Income and debt being the overwhelming primary factor.
    Finally, I don’t fear a man dressed as a woman. You don’t create truth by repeating a lie. I don’t approve of a man dressing as a woman, the same way I don’t approve of ketchup on a hotdog. I rarely, if ever think about a hotdog with ketchup on it, and when I see one, I typically ignore it, because I don’t approve of it. I also like sex, but I don’t expose my 5 year old daughter to it. Let me ask you this: can you show me your posts where you condemned the multiple incidents of people grabbing Trump hats and Trump flags off of other people; of burning the same; of screaming down conservative speakers? I doubt it…because you think it is OK to not like certain people who are different than you. I’m ok with that too.
    • Best Post Ever Best Post Ever x 1
  7. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Logic. If black businesses are denied credit at 2X the rate, and there are stories of black shoppers being discriminated against in just about every and any store on the planet, it is difficult to deny there are instances of white people avoiding shops because a black person is either the entrepreneur or employee. They are all related. It's called racism.

    And you absolutely fear a man in a dress. You may disapprove of ketchup on a hot dog, but if you're at a picnic with your 5-year old, do you turn the kid away so she doesn't see ketchup on a hot dog? Would you prevent her from putting ketchup on a hot dog if that's what she wanted? No. because while you don't like ketchup on a hot dog, you don't fear it. Now, ask yourself, why you wouldn't expose your 5-year old to a man in a dress?

    Sex is a completely different topic. Sartorial decisions can often be sexualized, but I doubt too many people find a Fairy Godmother dress to be sexual. I'm sure there are some who fantasize about it, but not many find the Fairy Godmother to be sexual in nature. It's one thing if the man is wearing a dress that doesn't cover things up very well. Same if it were a woman. That's because sex should be taught at an age-appropriate level. And I wouldn't expose my 5-year old to a woman or a man in a negligee or anything overtly sexual in nature. Again, the Fairy Godmother dress? Does anyone here think that's sexual in nature? If so, to each their own, but I don't find it inappropriate for kids.

    Last, I'm not going to search through my responses about idiots who removed MAGA hats or Trump flags. They are just as wrong as the people who would avoid the man in a dress. People should have the right to express themselves as they please, even if I disagree and don't understand why any rational person would support a misogynist, self-absorbed megalomaniacs like Trump. I have MAGA friends and family, and we have agreed to disagree on the topic, though a few are starting to see the truth about Trump. It's probably more due to the fact he's likely unelectable, but who knows. But if anyone ripped off another person's personal property and burned it because of a disagreement, I'd call that person not only wrong, but incredibly stupid. I would never do that or condone a person doing that to say an ASU or FSU fan. Same goes to a MAGA supporter.
  8. homer

    homer GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 2, 2015

    Covid has caused a spike in crime. As have other issues like mental health, economy, etc. Good policing exposes crime. Good and bad police chiefs and sheriffs have up and down crime stats. Often due to nothing they’ve done or not done. My high opinion of him as a sheriff comes from 30 years as a Leo in 3 capacities.

    Grady is doing exactly what his voters want. He’s telling them about crime, what happened, and how it’s being handled. He is a popular sheriff for that reason and probably will be as long as he wants the job. I like his approach where he gets out there and gives updates. Apparently the media does also since they never miss an opportunity to broadcast his press conferences. If people like yourself don’t want to watch them don’t. I do, as do many others. I like knowing what’s going on. If letting his constituents know what’s going on makes him a narcissist then lol. If that’s the judging point I guess everyone is in different degrees, you included. You’re a Too Hot narcissist that thinks highly of yourself or you wouldn’t comment on the issues, going so far as to call someone a blowhard and unprofessional. You are triggered by a man doing his job because you don’t like his style. Let it go, it’s ok.

    You said he should shut up and do his job.

    Since he’s the CEO and a constitutional officer btw, and head of the Polk County SO please explain to me what exactly is his job. Please be specific.

    Thanks in advance
  9. UFLawyer

    UFLawyer GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    How do you know that the majority of people who were denied these mystery loans had credit worthy to receive the loan? What was the religion of these applicants? How do you know they weren’t discriminated based upon their religion? What color shoes were they wearing when they applied for the loan? How do you know that the loan officers didn’t hate flip-flops. I could go on and on and on, but hopefully you get the point. You cannot extrapolate a conclusion based upon the little facts that you present. If you think otherwise, God bless you. I think that’s special.
    Ask for the hot dogs, yes, I shielded my child from hot dogs with catchup on it because they’re gross. None of my three children would ever eat a hotdog with ketchup on it. And that is because they follow in their father‘s footsteps and grew up in Chicago, were such conduct, could land you in jail. Likewise, I don’t expose my five-year-old to a bearded man in a princess dress, because I find it perverted and gross. That is an opinion I hold due to my own personal morals. As a parent, I try to pass my morals onto my children. Luckily, I live in the United States of America, where I have the freedom to have my own morals, to pass them onto my children, and to not give a rats ass what you or anybody else thinks about them. It’s called freedom. Now, the real question is, can you or your comrades respond to me without claiming that I am a bigot, hateful, racist, or homophobic. Or, are you able to acknowledge, that, perhaps your morals are different than mine and that’s OK. Because again, it’s America and it’s called freedom.
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  10. gtr2x

    gtr2x GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    Yes, while I respect your faith and believe you are sincere, given some of your statements, it just seems like you are in your own way doing missionary work, not really accepting of the respective individuals. JMO of course and I could be totally wrong.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. gtr2x

    gtr2x GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    Not sure how old Grady got into this thread, but since he is here.....
    Grady is popular with the media because he is entertaining and is great with little sound bites. He has never seen a camera he didn't love. I think he is a bit of a joke, but dont really care since I dont live in Polk County. As far as crime stats go, both sides pick and choose which ones to use. Im guessing you would have a different take if those same stats were from some big urban center run by liberals.

    The major criticism of his is that he tries and publicly convicts in the media sensational cases long before they go to trial. That is not part of his job as far as I know. However, as you say, he is popular and can stay in office as long as he likes Im sure.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    If I’m in line at Publix, I go to the fastest moving line and I don’t care how the cashier is dressed, what race they are what tattoos or piercings they have, whether I think they are trans, etc.

    The same logic would apply for me at Disney. Seeing that dude there wouldn’t bother me in the least. If for whatever reason I needed assistance and that was the most convenient employee, I can assure you I would not care. Some of you sound like you’d actively avoid, or that Disney should take flak for hiring this person, and also somehow want to pretend this stance is NOT bigotry.

    Would i ask him to babysit? Probably not. I could see some “bigotry” as far as inviting such a person into my home. But in a free society these people are entitled to work and live their lives without fear, and ultimately in a theme park/entertainment business setting its ridiculous to get outraged over what it is essentially a service employee making $15/hr if they are lucky. The only question should be are they doing their job (and at Disney they probably need to have certain “personality”). You have to make up crazy scenarios to get offended or concern-troll about, like the idea of this guy accompanying a child into a changing room, I mean come on…
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. UFLawyer

    UFLawyer GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Congratulations on your attainment of freedom. It’s wonderful isn’t it? Don’t take it for granted.
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  14. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    If you are the kind of parent who would buy your kid a $300 dress at Disney, you are probably not going to care. I need to know if anyone complaining on this thread is actually a "Disney shopping spree" parent. If they are anything like my parents, its "here's $20 for the whole vacation, dont spend it all in one place." :)
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  15. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    1 case where a African American owned business is denied a loan may have a simple explanation. But when it is twice as hard for all AA businesses to get a loan versus Caucasian owned businesses, then that's a pattern. What do all the AA businesses have in common that is different than Caucasian owned businesses? If all the AA owned businesses do have lower credit scores and struggle to remain open, that too is a sign of racism. Think about it. Do AAs inherently have a lower ability to run a business and have a good credit score? Be careful with your answer.

    Now, where did I say you couldn't have your freedom? Your morals are different than mine, and in this country, that's fine and dandy. I'm not going to force you to conform to my morals, and I hope you aren't going to try and convert me. You are entitled to your own opinions, and teach your own kids any way you wish.

    But that's not going to stop me from calling our morals bigoted and homophobic. Nor stop me from telling you why I think you are wrong, and how your fear of a man in a dress is the first step towards hatred of trans people. What damage is a grown man in a Fairy Godmother dress going to do to your kids that you fear him so much that you refuse to let your child interact with him?

    I think we agree that in America, people are also free to be racial bigots. If a family in Disney sees an AA employee and that turns them away from a store, that's their right to do so. But I would call them just as equally wrong to judge a person based on skin color as you do based on sartorial conditions. Same thing if a family saw a Disney employee wearing a hijab or a turban, and refused to enter a store based on religious reasons.
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 2
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  16. UFLawyer

    UFLawyer GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Over the last few days, I have posted on multiple threads my criticism of people drawing conclusions from facts which don’t support the conclusion. Some of those posts have been your own. You don’t have anywhere near the factual data to reach the conclusion that you are spewing here. Further, there are a multitude of laws in place to penalize institutions which deny loans on the basis of race. There is a remedy in place, if such a thing were to occur. As for your other point, I think you’re lost in the irony of your own position. you want to call, (or suggest) that I’m a bigot because I don’t agree with your worldview. But, using your own logic, that makes you a bigot as well. It’s circular as hell and you are bastardizing the English language, I can say everyone has the right to be a dumbass, which is true, but I don’t think that moves your meter in any way. When you ask me what damage to my kids is caused by seeing a hairy grown man dressed up as a princess, I will ask you a similar question: what damage to your kids would be caused by you allowing them to watch porn all day? I think both of us could safely answer, “I don’t know, but I’m not willing to find out.” That is a moral decision for both of us. I love Freedom. Thank a Vet.
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  17. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Answering a question with another question is a way to avoid an answer. I can easily answer why I'm not going to let my child watch porn. Plenty of studies and information that shows early exposure to porn can cause problems in adulthood including intimacy disorder and developmental issues.

    Do you honestly think a child interacting a man in a dress is going to cause developmental issues later on? Is interacting with a man in the dress just like your child watching porn?

    You're free to feel this way. I'm also free to call it bigoted.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 2
  18. UFLawyer

    UFLawyer GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Well, I think you calling me bigoted makes you a racist, so there’s that.
    The reason that you have some limited information regarding the effects of porn on children is because porn has been around for a really long time and scientist have been able to study it. Hairy Princess Bob has only been around for the last few years. I’m not aware of any studies, one way or the other. I’m not willing to take a chance on my child in order to satisfy your wokeness. But, just off the top of my head, perhaps my five-year-old daughter would be disturbed by seeing the bearded hairy princess Bob because maybe she now wants to grow a beard like that “princess” and can’t. Horrible for her self-esteem.
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  19. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Men in drag can be traced all the way back to Victorian times, when male actors played all the female parts on stage. Plenty of drag acts in Vaudeville too. Plenty of drag shows and movies through the years. And the kilt, a male skirt, dates back even farther.

    While you can likely shield your child from adult, sexual situations. Take then out in public, and you're going to see all kinds of people, making all kinds of sartorial choices. Including us, maybe a man in a dress. There are laws against children even seeing sexual situations. But no laws against men in drag or trans out in public.

    And your choice to not associate with trans simply because of their appearance is bigotry. Just like someone who chooses not to associate based on skin color, or religion.

    While I'm human and not perfect, I try not to prejudge anyone based on appearance. And I try to instill the same with my kids. If my kid is triggered by a man in a dress, how do I ensure they never see one? Or, I can simply tell my kid a man in a dress is different, but there's nothing inherently wrong with different. Problem solved. No fear of a man in a dress, and no hatred that may follow.
  20. ridgetop

    ridgetop GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 4, 2020
    Top of the ridge
    You (and all of us) are free to call whatever we want bigoted or racists or whatever. Doesn’t mean you ( or any of us) are right in that assessment.
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