This proposed law should age well. Should this act pass? Which political party introduced this act?
Registered Republican that donates to liberal causes shoots Republican. I know it’s hard for liberals to get the facts straight.
Before he was old enough to vote, he apparently donated $15. But when he was old enough to vote he registered Republican. He was one of you. Own it.
His family is Republican. So he registered Republican. Doesn’t make him a Republican when he donates to liberal causes.
It’s kinda crazy but it’s looking that way. Registered republican and clearly a gun nut. I don’t know many liberals like that.
The same can be said about your assumptions. He registered as Republican. Why do we assume he is Republican because he likes guns. Did he donate to Trump or RNC or any other Republican candidate?
he donated as a minor ($15 over 3 yrs ago). As an adult he registered republican so that does make him republican.
This “logic” is fascinating. So if his parents were Republican, that means he was raised in a home with supposed Republican principles as well. What happened? What was the value of the Republican home? It either produced a libbie or a gun nut, apparently. So the kid was raised in a Republican household. Donated $15 at one point to some org you deem liberal. Then registers as a Republican the first chance he gets. Seems a bit crazy to focus on the $15. Maybe it’s fair to say his politics were confused or something. I think assuming this guy had coherent ideology is a stretch, and frankly you can say that of a lot of people (MAGA itself is an incoherent populist political movement). It’s so obvious some of you guys were hoping it was some far left BLM activist or something, so now you are left grasping for straws.
Yeah, donating $15 while in High School doesn't strike me as locking in a political ideology. For all we know, some hot cheerleader came up and asked him to donate to her cause. One thing is for sure. We will learn a lot more about this kid in the coming days. Very unlikely he didn't leave a social media trail a mile long.
The bill was obviously a symbolic political stunt. It will never make it out of the Judiciary Committee considering that the Republicans have a majority in the House and even then I suspect that if the Judiciary Committee voted on it several Democrats would join with Republicans to kill it. I would also note that when the bill was proposed it was meaningless considering Trump had yet to be convicted of anything.