There were no illegal votes counted. The courts decided what was legal or not. It is not Congress’ Job to decode what is legal or not in states. They used these excuses to reject states that voted for Biden to reverse the election Trump lost. And you agree with their anti-democratic actors. You out yourself with your excuses for them.
He called it a violent riot and you call that downplaying? What is he supposed to say it's the worst event in American history to placate you? And then you wonder why conservatives don't even bother trying anymore. Anything short of bending the knee and swearing fealty to the exact narrative is met with vitriol. It's ridiculous.
"Bipartisan." Supporting a Congressional investigation into January 6th, and criminal charges being brought on all of the rioters involved are two completely different things. I just shared Rubio calling it a violent riot saying that it never should've happened and it should never happen again.
I can say it is wrong. It was wrong. What "refusal to certify the results" wasn't was an attempt to overthrow the will of the people. It wasn't a coup. You always do this duchen. If I don't agree with you 100% on an issue, or agree with your characterization of an issue, that is a complete endorsement on my part of that issue. I don't endorse the refusal to certify the election results. What I am doing is acknowledging the political convenience of keeping January 6th in the news cycle to try to paint all Republicans with the same brush as the people who stormed the Capitol. That is what a lot of Democrats are trying to do. Hell, a lot of Democrats love January 6th for that reason. They get to claim to be the hero while characterizing their political opponents as fascists by drawing the logically fallacious connection between the rioters and the Congressmen who refused to certify the results.
The Republicans aren't fooling anyone but themselves. The Democrats agreed to ALL the Republicans' demands for a BIPARTISAN Committee. ALL of them. But the Republicans chickened out. But it is still BIPARTISAN in that both of the honest Republicans in the House are involved, with arch conservative Cheney sharing a leadership roll. The Republicans chickening out of the agreed upon bipartisan committee was shameful. No surprise though.
" What "refusal to certify the results" wasn't was an attempt to overthrow the will of the people. It wasn't a coup." The obvious will of the people was 81.22 million , 51.3 % Biden vs 74.22 million, 46.8% Trump. How could any organized and violent effort to not certify that not be considered an illegal attempt to overturn a valid Democratic election. Explain how that doesn't meet the definition of coup.
January 6 should be front and center every day until the actors and collaborators are exposed. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Every detail that can be discovered. Because the nation needs to know as much as it can about the people who tried to take away the meaningfulness of their votes. You are proof why. You don’t even have a clue of the plan that Eastmen and other ls hatched and how that plan was Followed. And you have it backwards: given the participation of their party leaders, it is the GOP that wants the truth suppressed and doesn’t want anyone to know what happened.
The Congressmen refusing to certify the results did so violently? I’ve already answered what many of their intentions might have been. If you’re really interested just read the thread.
Leaders of the Republican Party attempted a coup after losing our last national election, and you're surprised that Democrats haven't just forgotten it? Woof.
You know what, maybe we’re tired of nothing-burger investigations. You have lost the benefit of the doubt with Russian Collusion and calling Kavanaugh a rapist based on unsubstantiated allegations without knowing when, where, or how it “allegedly” happened. So no, I’m not going to go along with ANOTHER investigation that may result in absolutely nothing (and likely will) when there’s political gains to be made just by keeping it in the news cycle. Republicans will get all the negative press, and the attention is left off Democrats. Im in favor of incarcerating the people involved in the riots, justice being served. Congress is not necessary for that, nor is it by any stretch the best institution to carry out this goal.
This is extremely offensive to me. I'm a 73 year old patriotic American, who served for 4 years as an officer in the U.S. Navy. I'm now retired. This was my experience on Jan 6. I was driving my wife to a nice restaurant for a leisurely lunch at a marina. In the car, we listened to the radio and heard the horror of the violent assault on the U.S. Congress, which was in session. I was so upset that I pulled the car over and cried on the side of the road. I cried that the nation I served had descended into disgrace, with unAmerican fascist thugs assaulting our democracy, led by an unAmerican President of the U.S. Other than the death of my parents, Jan 6 was the most awful day of my life.
We finally agree. I'm for DOJ putting a multitude of the suspected seditious Congressmen, Trump, Meadows, Eastman etc. under oath right away.
Thank you for your service. Also, it doesn’t matter that it’s offensive to you. What I said is true. That doesn’t mean that YOU love January 6th.
Stick to the subject please. I am not going to debate other investigations with you. Just stop your fake attempts to try to stop your fake attempts to pretend you do not stand with the GOP who wanted to reject the vote. The legitimate Russia investigation was run by a GOP AG and a GOP controlled Senate Committee. So stop blaming Democrats. The more you try to pretend you are a reasonable voice, the more you just put yourself as a sympathizer with the collaborators. Every time I mention Eastman’s plan you ignore it. Why is that? You don’t know what it is? Never heard of it? Don’t know what it was?
Disbar Eastman, prosecute him for all I care. He seems like a slimy individual. What I don’t want is another investigation that turns out to be a circus, especially through Congress just to keep this crap in the news cycle.
Which part? The “thank you for your service”or the “it doesn’t matter that it offended you, I said something true?”
What you said was made up BS. I don't know a single person who has anything but disgust for Jan 6. Even a conservative friend said that she had to "reevaluate everything" after watching the horror of that day.
Im not saying they like what happened. I’m saying they like that they can use it as a political tool to club Republicans. That is true. This does not mean you, specifically.
The Republican controlled Senate Select Committee on Intelligence concluded that the Trump campaign contacts with the Russians enabled the Russian active measures against this country. Roger Stone has contacts with Russians and Assange (their cutout) to coordinate the release of the hacked emails. Junior, Kusher and the campaign manager met with a person who identified herself as a Russian agent and they told her they were willing to accept campaign aid. Manafort was regularly meeting with a known Russian agent and feeding him information. The trail does with Manafort’s lies and Stone’s silence. Three days before Stone was to go to jail, he made a public statement that he was only going to jail because he kept silent and Trump commuted his sentence. Mueller found the facts sufficient for elements of three different arts of obstruction of that investigation. It is tragic that we have people who think that an investigation of extremists who enable an enemy nation to hack a political party is a “nothing burger.” We need to call them out for what they are. The only reason you think these investigations are “nothing Burger’s” is because you think the activities being investigated are normal.