Chick-fil-A backlash is nothing short of 'cancel culture' | CNN How Did Liberals Forget to Cancel Chick-fil-A? Campaign launched to block Chick-il-A from New York rest stops over anti-gay marriage stance Do you want me to post more? Or will this suffice?
Didn't the State of Colorado Civil Rights Division issue a finding of discrimination which led to the court case?
Yes. But that is an adjudicative body. The equivalent of the EEOC. The constitutional issue raised whether enforcement of Colorado law would violate free speech or free exercise of religion because it compelled the baker to express a message— “congratulations on your wedding”— for a gay wedding. SCOTUS reversed on a no-constitutional issue. The state action in that case was not action by the litigants, but the law enforced.
ChickFilA wasn't about a governor on a power trip, it was about social media and activists. How do you figure this is in any way, shape, or form analogous to Disney and DeSantis?
First one lists some anti-Chick-fil-A Facebook posts as evidence of the war against the company. Second one talks about the one private college which didn't include the company in its dining plans. But most of the piece talks about how the liberal boycott of Chick-fil-A never really took place. Third one - three or four state lawmakers in New York wanted the company excluded from the state rest stops. It didn't work and Chick-fil-A is putting new restaurants in the rest stops. So, yes, there was obviously some outrage on the left against the company for its anti-LBGTQ donations. Apparently it didn't have much effect. That's a long way from cracking down on the company's free speech. Do you really want to see a list of every company that conservatives called a boycott against? Would that also be cracking down on those company's basic rights?
Tyranny is forcing someone to take a drug they do not want or need. This is just whining because Disney is having privileges potentially taken away because they chose to play politics.
You showed that people spoke against them, not that the company’s right to free speech was curtailed in any way. And that was the claim.
interesting synopsis on desantis going after WDW for disagreeing with him… “They could only have watched in amazement as Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, pursuing his vendetta against the company for its opposition to his so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law, signed a measure that awards the company a tax break estimated at $164 million a year and stuck voters in the Orlando area with the cost.”
In what way is this awkward? Lady has been saying the same stuff for years. She has a right to free speech too.
If her calls materialized, how exactly would that be different from what DeSantis just did? She just said she wants to "hold Big Tech accountable" because "this deal is dangerous for our Democracy" and "they play by a different set of rules." And even if this didn't materialize, this is a case of a politician threatening political power to push Big Tech in a certain direction. You spent an awful lot of time on this thread calling out my principles, you've poo pooed every example I've raised where Democrats do something similar. Here's Warren conveniently doing something incredibly similar, and you defend her. Where are your principles?
Article on Warren's wealth tax proposal (December 2019): How Would A Wealth Tax Work? Warren's tweet and proposal to hold "Big Tech accountable" (October 2019): It's a politician using the news of the day to call for the same reforms she's been trying to pass for years. If you can't see the difference, you're not worth the conversation. Another "gotcha" falls flat. P.S. I think Warren's wealth tax is unconstitutional and oppose the policy. But I support her right to advocate for it. It's political speech.
I completely understand being alarmed by DeSantis's handling of the Disney situation. I have absolutely no issue with that. However, the people who both: 1. Condemn anyone defending or understanding DeSantis's perspective because Democrats act similarly, and flex their political power to intimidate corporations and silence dissent. 2. Defend Elizabeth Warren for "trying to hold Big Tech accountable" for "threatening our Democracy" Should not be trusted with their concerns regarding the First Amendment.
She wants to use punitive measures against Big Tech via government power for Big Tech exercising their First Amendment rights. She just said that, yet here you are defending her. Yet, you wonder why I don't trust you.
Yes, we need to raise taxes on billionaires and hold technology companies accountable for things like hate speech if they don't police that stuff themselves. Warren has been saying this stuff for years. How does that compare to DeSantis immediately singling out one single company for punishment after that company expressed its opposition to a bill DeSantis passed?
First of all, you don't get to define hate speech so broadly, it basically encompasses everything you don't like, such as calling men, "men", and women, "women." Both involving cracking down on companies over something protected under the First Amendment. Not really a tough one.