Want special privileges…probably ought to support what most people support. But hey…Disney can dump on their target audience all they want. That is their right!
You just don't get it, Doc, because you're not a real libertarian. Ron is limiting government by expanding it and wielding it against his political enemies. That's how you fight authoritarianism.
Disney's market cap is down around 100 billion since November if my math is correct. Stockholders will not be happy. https://www.google.com/finance/quot...prJgK73AhWkx4UKHeQaBVMQ3ecFegQIMBAa&window=6M
With all do respect that’s incorrect, and anyone with the mindset that your side is always right isn’t very far away from shaving their heads, putting on a toga, and selling flowers and incense in the airport.
“The decline was primarily due to slow growth in subscriber numbers for Disney Plus, its streaming service. Revenue for the company's other divisions improved compared to the same time last year.” Disney (DIS) Falls After Disappointing Earnings Report
The more I think about it, I understand why conservatives support this, but boy do we have to be careful or we’ll become what we hate. This is about as close to the line that I’m willing to tolerate. If this were any other normally situated corporation without special treatment, this would definitely not be okay.
If DeSantis honestly thought Disney was misrepresenting his bill, and doing him an injury, aren't there remedies that don't involve emergency, punitive legislation? If DeSantis was acting in good faith, wouldn't he have had lawyers draw up a Cease and Desist, or a libelous lawsuit, or something (I'm just spitballing here, I think I'm one of the 3 posters on this thread that isn't an actual lawyer.) Doesn't going straight to the nuclear option tell you something about DeS's motives?
Disney is an exceptional case. Also, you might be the person who does this more than anybody on this thread. Find a mirror.
There's nothing exceptional about it. You simply choose politics over principles again and again. That's why you get angry and defensive when called on it.
You repeatedly insinuate that I’m an unprincipled racist, don’t be mad or surprised when I return the favor. I don’t need to take that from blatant race-baiting political hack like you.
All this because you recognize what's happening here is wrong but are willing to do mental gymnastics to justify it as acceptable. Continue lashing out. It would be easier to just say that this is wrong and call it a day, but I understand that it's hard to betray your beloved Ronnie D.
If I re-evaluate my opinion, and find that this is wrong (which is possible), it will certainly be no thanks to you. Again, I hope Disney sues, just so we can get more clarity.
I can imagine what it tells him but it tells me RD has become the embodiment of Trumpist fascism that reactionaries salivate over. This ain't the party of Reagan. Heck, it's hard to see how this is a party of anything republican or conservative..or principled?
I would also like to note that calling Republicans writ large racists since 2008, and calling basically everything Trump ever did fascist makes Democrats “the boy who cried wolf.” Not only have you damaged your credibility to the point where nobody to the right of Marx will believe you, but you’ve provided cover for more aggressive actions by your political opponents because you’re just characterizing their actions, the same way you’ve been characterizing everything you dislike for at least half a decade.
If a law can broken whenever one decides the victim deserves it, surely it is no law. One can be against wokeness and some kinds of early sexual education (valid philosophical positions, IMO) without accepting politicians using the force of the state to retaliate against those that take an opposing philosophical view. This second part should never be acceptable in the United States.