You're making a rush to celebration, much like DeS's rush to legislation. This tale is still being told. Let's wait until this all shakes out before popping the corks, shall we? You're so giddy at this flagrant abuse of power...disappointing.
Wait a sec, before your key argument was about special privilege. Now it’s about misrepresentation instead? Let’s for moment grant that it is illegal for a private entity to misrepresent a bill (though of course it isn’t). Tell me: Who gets to determine if Disney “misrepresented” the bill?
And so Germany annexed Czechoslovakia...... And so Putin annexed Crimea..... Punitive government in retaliation to free speech is a cornerstone to fascism. DeS pulled to fascist punitive gov.t card thing to penalize school boards for mask mandates as well. Imagine, a school board wanting to protect their students and teachers... the horror. UF prof. don't cower to DeS regime's narrative and so... punitive gov't strikes tenure. Almost a pattern developing.
The Villages District Office issues statement indicating it’s not part of DeSantis’ aim at Disney All theatre albeit smart political theatre. I would think the courts strike it down with all the politicians’ rhetoric in the public record?
The analysis appears to be that Disney will pay less taxes and offload considerable debt if RCID is dissolved. Of course this will be passed on to tax payers. But from a bottom line POV, Disney would make out pretty well financially, they'd just have to go through the normal county process for new development, and their roads and such would take much longer to get repaired, etc. A big boost in property taxes in a time where rents and housing costs are sky high will not go over well, even for those who can afford to live here.
It wasn't that long ago when liberals/Democrats protested against big corporations being given tax incentives, backroom deals, etc. That's what happened 50 years ago when Florida made the deal with Disney. Wow, how things have changed. A huge corporation is going to lose its preferred status and liberals/Democrats are all up in arms crying facism. Why? Because Disney, for the better part of two decades, has become "woke" and the liberals/Democrats like that platform - kind of like Twitter, etc. There is no suppression of free speech at all and those are private companies who can do and say what they want. Remember that Disney is all about making money. I don't go there because its product does not appeal to me - I never understood why anyone would spend thousands of dollars in a fake village when they could spend a lot less going to a real beach, but that's my preference. Disney injected itself into this cultural/political debate, not the other way around. Well, most Floridians don't care for Disney's injection. Reap what you sow.
When my property tax goes up 25% not to pay for new services or tangible benefits that I voted for, but to pay for Disney's roads and debt that they offload to me, because Ron DeSantis hates gays, then yeah, people are going to be pissed, not just Democrats either. From everything I've read, Disney will pay less taxes and be able to offload debt to the county. They arent going to be paying their fair share, they will be offloading their burden to the county. Orange County cant even vote to raise taxes on Disney to make up revenue. All they can do is raise property taxes on everyone.
Is it any less disingenuous for anyone who is opposed to the outing of children to torment as supporting pedophilia?
Liberals are angry because DeSantis and the Republicans used the government to punish a group for engaging in free speech . . . again. If people like you had principles and cared about the Constitution, you'd be angry too.
1,288 of the same kind as Disney. Another several hundred of similar special districts on top of that.
That county didn't vote for DeSantis anyway, hitting them in the pocket book makes this a win-win for him. He is hurting all the right people.
Has nothing to do with Disney's tax status. I couldn't possibly care less, and in fact, I'd be fine if they pay more. This has everything to do with the governor violating first amendment rights. Corporations have been legally ruled to be persons in this country. And persons have first amendment rights. And the governor punishing a corporation for speaking out on a political issue is a blatant and clear violation of that right. And fascism. Doesn't matter to me what the politics of tue situation are. If a governor did the same to Hobby Lobby I'd have just as big an issue.
It has been used by the LGBTQIA+not surehowmanymorethingsneedtobeadded agenda. Disney has played along with it. “Don’t say Gay” is a pure misrepresentation of the bill and the purpose of the bill. Those that keep trying to act like it is not will continue to help bolster DeSantis and his ability to score political points.
Not just fascism. Left wing authoritarianism too. This is more left wing authoritarianism because it takes away property rights and gives them to the government.
Or they could increase taxes with a hotel bed tax that would hit everyone including Disney and the tourists will pay for it. Disney is so popular I be they could raise ticket prices to a 1,000 bucks per person and they would still be packed.